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  1. R

    Trouble in paradise -first grow-

    so the buds only grow after they have been put on 12/12 setting or well i see any type of growth before then, other then just the som bitch growing taller??
  2. R

    Trouble in paradise -first grow-

    Okay quick question , when would be a good time to go on 12/12 lighting currently im on week 5
  3. R

    Trouble in paradise -first grow-

    lol gangtsa
  4. R

    Trouble in paradise -first grow-

    well every time i flip a coin it lets my buds power up by like 50 percent , then they can attack with there special attack "cannabis crush " naw i just use it to cover a hole that is already covered just to make sure. i got tape on the other side of it to keep it in place
  5. R

    Trouble in paradise -first grow-

    fucking right on gonna hop on that ill just take the AG hood off an hang in on one side keep all the clfs on another side and have that som bitch hanging from the top gangsta good looking out good lookign out dude
  6. R

    Trouble in paradise -first grow-

    Sorry for the last update , but yea the ph was the problem causing the yellowing and i needed to clean the rez hich is why i assume the leaves were curling and browing at the tips . so yea i grapped a ph tester kit , so now everything is pretty stable , the rez was cleaned and wiped down and...
  7. R


    Add more lights son son
  8. R

    Trouble in paradise -first grow-

    pictures and updates: well changed out the res giving it a good cleaning during the process the top of the plant got alittle bent , im hoping things are still coo. Removed them dumb ass bars so now taking the AG top off is not a prob at all . Also noticed some yellowing near the...
  9. R

    Trouble in paradise -first grow-

    understood homie i can only imagine how'd screwed i'd be without the help of this forum good looking out son son (pictures coming today ) Stay faded people- cause i know i will
  10. R

    Trouble in paradise -first grow-

    hmmm now that means i got a problem because the way my roots have grown , they are wrapped around one of the bars that go across the res and it doesn't seem possible to take the top off with out ripping them . any ideas cause this could defiantly become a problem. oh and a friend of mine as...
  11. R

    Trouble in paradise -first grow-

    so when changing the rez water , should the rez be cleaned out and if so whats the best way to do so ? cause im getting some yellowing on some of my leaves i assume my ph is off but i still haven't managed to get that tester yet , well have to change that tomorrow but yea thats all there is...
  12. R

    Trouble in paradise -first grow-

    okay so quick question , what is the main problem with the AG pump ??
  13. R

    Trouble in paradise -first grow-

    word time to fix that
  14. R

    Trouble in paradise -first grow-

    uh as far as the strain i got no idea its a bag seed , i have barenys farm night shade seeds but i havent grown them yet this is my first grow so im trying to see how i do with some ol BS before i try to grow the dank stuff . yo hit me wit a link to your grow
  15. R

    Trouble in paradise -first grow-

    okay well the babies is looking better the sun light thing along wit the few clfs i got seems to be helping, there is a slight sent to it at this point. ive had these babies for about 4 weeks now should i be able to tell the sex( also im drunk then a MOFO so if my spelling is of im sorry )...
  16. R

    Trouble in paradise -first grow-

    oh yo fox thanks for the pump info , i wen and turn that thing off but when i was chanhing my water out i noticed that the roots were heading for the pump , im gonna assume that would have been bad . so ya thanks again . all and all things seem coo my camera broke which is why there are...
  17. R

    Emergency yellow spot advice needed! (pic)

    yo dude what type of water you using ??
  18. R

    Trouble in paradise -first grow-

    got little homies chillin near the window now , im gonna try this for a few days an see if it makes any time of significant difference to my babies .
  19. R

    New grow

    think im gonna follow this grow maybe learn some things
  20. R

    Trouble in paradise -first grow-

    word good looking out more pictures coming soon