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  1. AltMaster

    First Timer Light Question

    All's good again, thanks for the timley responses!!!!
  2. AltMaster


    I run a 2 litre bottle and mix 1 cup of table sugar and 1/2 tablespoon of yeast in warm water. Add a squiggley fermentor gas release thingy you buy at the wine making store and wella a co2 generator for 3 days or so.......
  3. AltMaster

    First Timer Light Question

    Thanks Man I feel better now!!!!
  4. AltMaster

    First Timer Light Question

    I am 3 weeks into flower and I have been running a 600 HPS over 4 plants. I lost the ballast Yesterday and placed my 175 watt CFL over the plants for their light cycle. I will be getting the ballast replaced tomorrow and have to run the CFL 1 more light cycle before getting the 600 back up...
  5. AltMaster

    Help.. So much has changed in 25 years!!

    Hey RottedRoots.....They just cut all that foliage down along side the University Bridge because of all the wild plants growing!!!!
  6. AltMaster

    Problems germinating

    I have never germed before this will be my first grow......I watched all the video's and read all the post on germing seeds and it seemed like they should be able to do it all by themselves just add water.....I guess the reallity is its harder than it seems. I have some old bag seed that I am...
  7. AltMaster

    Problems germinating

    Well I got 36 seeds for half the price of 5 at Attitude, so I'm going with inferior seeds......But dam a couple gotta germ here dontcha thnk???? I'm goin to try what ya all said here!!! Thanks......
  8. AltMaster

    Problems germinating

    Right on!!! Thanks guys I'm on it now.......
  9. AltMaster

    Problems germinating

    I bought some white widow seeds from a seed company within the last 3 weeks. Seeds arrived as stated, my problem is they are not germinating. I have tried the papertowel and soak in water methods. Are there anyother ways?? The seed company had very cheap prices and cultivated their own seeds. I...