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  1. S

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Are people using the ball lock with threads? I"m having trouble finding the PVC piece that the hose hooks too....If anyone could help that'd be sweeet. Thanks!
  2. S

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hello I am looking for reconmmendations on a cheap, reliable PPM/ph reader. Also wondering if there are any cons to running the sprayers in the flower unit 24/7? One more, if anybody has any problems with the roots clogging the sprayers in the flower units?
  3. S

    What freebies for speedyseedz

    To place an order at speedyseedz do you need to register or can you just order as a guest? aslo when are the freebies going to be available? :peace:
  4. S

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey guys thanks, another question, Are people using the 4x4 or 5x5 fence posts? I'm having trouble finding end caps for the 5x5 but the 4x4 seemed to be no problem.... One the Ecoplus 396 the goto pump with these systems? Has anyone used HydroFarms ActiveAqua 400? :peace:
  5. S

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey guys I'm wondering if anyone has used the 18gal 'Toughbox' from Lowes for the stinkbud aeroponic system? Does it leek? I can only find the 14gal ROUGHNECK rubbermaid container. Which one should I use? Also, can you run more than one pump off one timer? (them things are expensive!)