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  1. K

    A little help please

    yeah it fucked up there light cycle. just harvest now. that sucks it wont go back to flowering
  2. K

    Weird Leaf Problem with PICS/ hole in stem?

    the only problem u might have if the whole doesnt heal is if the palnt gets to big and heavy and the whole splits and goes all the way down to the root. and for the leaves it happens all the time. i have 4 outdoor plants and they wilt. just stop watering her and leave her out in the sun and...
  3. K

    Did it turn Hermaphrodite?

    on picture 3 it has turned but the others seem fine. pult the hermi part off the plant or ull risk the whole plant turning. but other hten that you look fine
  4. K

    Indica vs Sativa

    my friend sold me some hawiian weed. shit was amazing. thankfully had a seed. planted that bitch 4-5 weeks later things tall as a mother fucker. had to re plant it somewhere where no one could see it. not to long after it started to bud. my friend like a dumb ass picked it and dryed my only bud...
  5. K

    Help Please

    take em out now. its the same shit as what happens to males and females. turns that shit hermie.