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  1. K

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    thanks fdd, i was wondering on my last week should i just do water with no nutrients and if so, do i water every day
  2. K

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey this is a moby dick plant, im on my 7th week of flowering and i veg for 5 weeks. i also did lst. You think these are done?
  3. K


    i got a noob question. Can i use hydroponic nutrients in soil?
  4. K

    Plant problem need help

    yeah i just rinsed them lol i'll try to take pictures but my camera real bad so ill post them asap when i can borrow someone camera
  5. K

    Plant problem need help

    Any suggestions???
  6. K

    Plant problem need help

    Hey im doing a hydroponic grow and my plant looks horrible. The leaves are dried, and deformed and my roots are brown. I just did a water change and there was a lot of junk at the bottom of the bucket, i think it was from the hydroton rocks. Some one please help my baby. Thanks
  7. K

    adjusting ph question

    i was wondering can i adjust my ph with my roots?? or do i have to drain it into another bucket and adjust it and add it back in