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  1. D

    Vaporize BABY!!!

    Wussup room juss dropppin in to see if anyone has been super vaped this summer!!!! ANyway Enjoy!!
  2. D

    Vaporize BABY!!!

    Bro here take this....Its a coupon code that Vapir sent me to my email not to long ago. I don't have no use for it since I have several vapes already from them but you might need it. Vapir products get the job done and already afortable but I think this might help a little. :mrgreen::eyesmoke...
  3. D

    Vaporize BABY!!!

    I have my Vapir ONE 5.0 and have mad ass parties with it. Love the thing and got hella stuff for free when I bought it direct. Yall should check it out I think their still givin out hella shizz...bongsmilie:fire: