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  1. G

    There is a good chance Ohio will legalize medicinal in november, Can I grow?
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    ASA And UFCW Local 5 Ready Medical Marijuana Regulations For 2012 CA Ballot

    11362.97: "[...] Persons using marijuana medicinally pursuant to Section 11362.5 are entitled to the same rights and protections from civil and criminal liability as users of prescription drugs under California law." Such provision is a game-changer in medical marijuana legislation. Other...
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    California’s ‘Regulate Marijuana Like Wine Act’ Offers New Ways To Fight Federal Dis

    11420(g) states: "The State of California is ordered to protect and defend all provisions of this Act from any and all challenges or litigation, whether by persons, officials, cities, counties, the state or federal governments." While I appreciate the optimism that you have regarding the...
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    Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act of 2012

    Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act of 2012 has a few things going for it that make it appealing vs. RMLW: -- Age limit (19 years old) -- No Anti-GMO -- No prohibition on commercial advertising -- Attempts to ensure that 3 lbs. of marijuana isn't considered commercial amounts (although it's debated...
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    RMLW is holding it's Breath!

    The Anti-GMO clause will be hard to enforce, given RMLW 11420(b)(6): "This Act enjoins the search, arrest, prosecution, property seizure, asset forfeiture, eradication costs, and/or any criminal or civil penalty, or sanction, for activity authorized herein." However, no institution would be able...
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    The Regulate Marijuana Like Wine Thread.

    Hey gang, I don't want to take discussion away from RMLW campaign signature gathering news, but I drafted a "clean-up" bill for the Regulate Marijuana Like Wine initiative, should the initiative both make it onto the ballot and pass the General Election in 2012. This legislation adopts...