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  1. Bu66les

    2cb Anyone tried it?

    Paper? Does your friend sandwich it between two pieces or is it water color paper?
  2. Bu66les

    Tell me everything about LSD.

    Everything about LSD.:blsmoke:
  3. Bu66les

    Top 10 INDOOR cash crop--INPUT PLEASE

    Any fans of Northern lights #1 x SSHaze? Or NL #5 x SSHaze? I like em both quite a bit. my buddy swears by them.
  4. Bu66les

    NYC Diesel vs Sour Diesel

    Danm thats pricey SD. A guy I know got sum from a vendor online and it was $350 and oz. Totally organic and supposedly west coast medicinal. Stunk like hell and had a real stony high that I was totally able to get shit done after smoking. I noticed its buds where somewhat stringy and fluffy...
  5. Bu66les


    Normal......compared to who? I would sa y that there are a lot of very sober very fucked up people. If they are normal than I wouldn't want anything to do with being normal. 2.5 kids, a house 2 car garage with one car. cheesy neighbors that look like smiling bob from those dick pill commercials...
  6. Bu66les

    NYC Diesel vs Sour Diesel

    Depends on the grower. Sour D. is great here but I was told a rumor about some NYD being grown thats got the punch like the cough has. Not strawberry cough but the original cough.
  7. Bu66les

    I Lost My Virginity When I Was...?

    I lost mine while I was stoned. where is the check box for that?
  8. Bu66les

    Just had 2 jehova's witnesses come to my door

    Last time they came to my door and asked to speak with me I said no isnt a great time but if you would please write down your name and address I would love to come talk to you when I am ready. The refused and continued to ask me about religion and god. I talked to them and at first they told me...
  9. Bu66les


    Psilacetin is so damn great. One of my favs for the simple reason that you take it and dont feel any come up. Its like all of a sudden you feel at ease and you get visuals. The un high with visual and mental depth. I love it. Puff a lil deemsters at the peek. So beautiful. Anyone had the pleasure?
  10. Bu66les

    Signs and Symbols of the New World Order

    Unincursive Hexagram, I think I know what it is, i mean why it was chosen or made. I think if you draw a hexagram in a circle then draw another hexagram inside the circle that overlaps the first circle directly in half. The circles make a vesica pisica and the stars make that...
  11. Bu66les

    New bong in need of name

    Bing-Bong. lol.
  12. Bu66les

    New bong in need of name

    Hobbit J.R. Tokins Hobbit. J.R. Tokin's habit... I dunno started thinking of that one poster after I posted the second name.