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  1. cmasfca

    1000w Ebb n Flow

    I vegged for 5 days under a 400w ceramic metal halide bulb and 5 days under the 1000w. I used the magnum xxxl 6" hood for both bulbs. The girls were 10-12" at day 1 flower and they went to 36" at day 63 flower. Cheers
  2. cmasfca

    1000w Ebb n Flow

    Yes, I harvested about four weeks ago. After drying, curing, and final trim I got a little over 2.6lbs Haha ya it does now, an inhabitable room once more ;) Thanks, they did very well. The strain is Blue Dream and they flowered for 63 days. Has a very piney smell and is developing more...
  3. cmasfca

    Organic Montana Medical Grow

    Everything looks killer GTO, how many watts are you running right now? That build of the room looks so awesome, I wish I had the space to frame out my own grow room. Anyways, everything looks sweet no matter the wattage haha keep it irie
  4. cmasfca

    1000w Ebb n Flow

    Hey all, this will be my first post on this sweet forum and hopefully will grow to love this site as I have grown to love sites of the past. Let's see if I can get this formatted properly. Anyhow, I am on day 39 of flower running 29 ladies vegged for 10 days running a skunk x haze. The Lucas...