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  1. M

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Great post, growing in canna coco right now, it's an impressive medium!!! I'm using all the canna products AB, rhizo, zym PK and boost. Result are great so far. No questions for now but i won't hesitate as soon as i need something since you seem to really know your canna stuff! Cheers Math
  2. M

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Thanks for the reply, so i understand you water and feed them twice a day, is that in both stages as in veg and flowering? I'm still at the very beginning, only the first week so i'm just trying to keep the top layer humid for now. Cheers Math
  3. M

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Hey there, i just started growing in cana coco and had one question i couldn't really find an answer for. I'm using cana coco nutrients and was wondering about the frequency which i need to feed them. Is it like in soil, every 3rd or 4th watering or is it more frequent like every watering. On...