Search results

  1. hamstoned

    Coolest People You Have Smoked With.

    an indain and some guy
  2. hamstoned

    would be thank full

    you wont know until flowering
  3. hamstoned

    What Equipment do i need to grow?

    not to sound like a dick, but, the search feature on this site is excellent, also a little self research is quite fullfilling.
  4. hamstoned

    options with male plants

    i just found out one of my plants is a male, its sucks but wtf they were free seeds. was wondering what i could do with the plant other than killing it or using it for seeds. any help would be great.
  5. hamstoned

    Important transplant ???? +rep

    is there no water supply near your site? if not bury a couple 5 gallon buckets halfway and collect some rain water, its not the best but will be easier if its a mission to get to your site. you said 3 plants, so i would say a couple gallons every few days if its not extremely hot. your plants...
  6. hamstoned

    I'm About To Order Some Nutrients.

    im on my first outdoor also and from what ive been reading the big bloom and tiger are fine i would also use the search on here to look for molasses, ive heard some good things, and you can also goto the foxfarm feeding schedule on the website to see how to use the forementioned nutes.
  7. hamstoned

    First Attepmt

    right on agnus, abandoned greenhouse with empties!!
  8. hamstoned

    Operation Overgrow: SUCCESS REPORT THREAD

    this is right before i planted 2 outside a police station in NYC cant wait untill a couple weeks. ill keep an update
  9. hamstoned

    Operation Overgrow: SUCCESS REPORT THREAD

    started late but in in
  10. hamstoned


    "ratting" in any form is fucking beat
  11. hamstoned

    transferring from MG organics to FFOF (NUTES??)

    thanks for the quik reply and i will take your advice
  12. hamstoned

    transferring from MG organics to FFOF (NUTES??)

    i started seedling in MG organics soil(16oz keg cup) and i want to transfer to a 2-5 gal. pot with FFOF (23 days from germ outdoor), i wanted to know about when to give nutes b/c of the new soil and how much should i start with? i know quarter strength but its a low concentration i think (i have...
  13. hamstoned

    First Grow - Newbie Questions

    neem oil works
  14. hamstoned

    soma NYC diesel grow in NYC

    thanks ive "heard" is should split the spectrum and mabey get a (one) 2700k light. but i dont want to overkill. but thank you again for your input.
  15. hamstoned

    soma NYC diesel grow in NYC

    a friend of mine gave me 1 seedling about 1 week old from outside and i was wondering if i can get away with using 2 27w 5700k for veg for right now, it is currently in a closet 6' high 2' deep and 3' wide, any thoughts, comments, jokes, wisdom is much appreciated. thank you Hamstoned
  16. hamstoned

    2 27w 5700k cfl one seedling

    thought it was sorta an easy answer, but i guess not, ill try to read more on this helpful forum before i post.
  17. hamstoned

    2 27w 5700k cfl one seedling

    hey whats up all, i have a quick question, i have 2 27w 5700k with light reflectors, is this good enough for my one seedling i have started? (basic closet dimensions 2' deep, 6' high and about 3' wide)
  18. hamstoned

    Boogie Down Bronx Bakyard Seedlings

    I was thinking about that, but i was only gonna keep 2 of the 4 anyhow. is that still a bad idea?
  19. hamstoned

    Boogie Down Bronx Bakyard Seedlings

    just wanted to put up a first post with a couple of seedlings i have here...theyre about 6 days old from germ fully outdoors (the ol lady wants to ring my neck). im a first time grower and wanted to thank everyone on here that has given alot of great info...any clue if theyre looking good? (i...