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  1. deserteagle420

    firecracker shelf life?

    I kept mine in a air tight container in a cool dark place for like a week. Is it possible that they get stronger overtime cause I was ridiculously high?
  2. deserteagle420

    Cannaoil. (PLEASE HELP)

    So I jut the shake in the oil in a oven safe container and bake it for a few hours, then filter?
  3. deserteagle420

    Cannaoil. (PLEASE HELP)

    Hi, I have wanted to make cannaoil for a little while now but for the life of me I can not find a recipe to make it other than using alcohol or butane extraction. So I was wondering if it was possible to just heat the oil in a pan with the bud and simmer it for a few hours or make it like...
  4. deserteagle420


    go to home depot, lowes, or a arts and crafts store, they usually have a roll of the appropriate sized screen material. Get yourself something to wrap it around and you got yourself a poor mans screen.
  5. deserteagle420

    Fire Cracker Portability Question

    great thanks alot guys
  6. deserteagle420

    Fire Cracker Portability Question

    also one more question. My girlfriend doesn't smoke but she wants to get high so she wants to try firecrackers. How much weed do i put in a firecracker for someone who has never smoked???
  7. deserteagle420

    Fire Cracker Portability Question

    Cool thanks guys.
  8. deserteagle420

    Fire Cracker Portability Question

    Lets say I want to bake up a mess of firecrackers and sell them to fellow stoners, would they need to be reheated before ingested or could they just eat them the minute I give them to them like brownies???
  9. deserteagle420

    What Gets You Highest?

    i ate too to much bud and it gave me the shits
  10. deserteagle420

    oil vs butter?

    Haven't been cooking with cannabis for a long time but I am a chef so I would have to say the oil would get you higher. Butter is a mixture of cream, fat, waters and other things but oil is pure fat and nothing else. So the oil fluid ounce to fluid ounce would have a greater capacity for holding...