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  1. B

    Aerogarden dissapointments

    i keep a rich bloom mix until week 7 or 8, flush with kleen for a few days then ph'd h2o for 4 more days, leaves are still dark green in the areo setup at that point, but buds are definetly ready, i have even over ripened for an xtra week just to get more purple in the PK, and the leaves stay dark
  2. B

    Aerogarden dissapointments

    im playing around with PPM to what they can handle, they can handle a lot, i hit 2000ppm and the tips show a little sign of being to much so i back it off, the leaves should yellow due to the lack of Nitrogen, which is completely cut out after the 3rd week of budding, the same plants in soil and...
  3. B

    Aerogarden dissapointments

    Well I have been growing for decades, so when areogardens came out and promised huge results I gave it a try I have several Areo 60s, in a large grow operation, i have been using them for one year now, but think im done the Aero does veg amazingly fast, I took several of the same clones...
  4. B

    Best weed for selling & Making Money

    the prices you guys are talking about are crazy, of course im in Nor Cal, I am the main grower in a 10 person indoor collective in a very liberal county, all completely legal, several varities, including PK and OG, and its real good, we have several aero systems, which grow fast, but we keep the...
  5. B

    Why does my PH keep dropping

    roots look happy wondering if it had something to do with them being ready, im at 8 weeks, start flushing tomarrow. I did have same problem a few grows ago, ppm was too high, but it was only week 4 or 5, this time it waited until the end for the PH to go nuts. should you lower ppm in the...
  6. B

    Why does my PH keep dropping

    im almost at the end of my grow, aeroponics, purple kush, 2000watts HPS, GH3 part nutes (aggressive bloom), 1200-1500ppm, I flush every two weeks at rez change I bring the PH to 5.6 everyday and in the morning its in the 4.0 range, everyday. is it because my plants are on their last week b4...
  7. B

    GH FLoraNova Bloom .vs. GH Grow/Micrp/Bloom...

    how do you get away w/o Gro, I need to use it with my PK, just so the plants dont go yellow
  8. B

    Do I have an PH and EC problem?

    i think that is it!!!, I backed off the nutes, took the ppm to about 1000 with bloom nutes (from 1300 in veg), and the ph levled out and the plants started to take up much more solution. I also have premature yellowing, think I hit the Bloom cycle too hard, I will add a little Gro back into the...
  9. B

    Do I have an PH and EC problem?

    i use tap (local well, nothing added), i use GH ph down (its like 7.5), I have a 40 gal resevoir, seems like distilled is even higher PH I did not have any problems in the veg state (1200-1300ppm) Im still at the same ppm range, but no more GRO, just Micro and Bloom, should i go less PPM in...
  10. B

    Do I have an PH and EC problem?

    i do have a ppm meter, and have not noticed any ppm flucuations 1000-1300 i will pay more attention to this, if PH is dropping and PPM is going up, what is this a sign of? i did transition slowly with the nutes, and run them weaker than GH suggest as far as the bacteria, i dont have any...
  11. B

    Do I have an PH and EC problem?

    I think this is my 1st or 2nd post, long time reader/grower though so my PH keeps dropping, by .5-1.0 every day. Im adjusting it with PH up I had no problems maintaining 5.8 ish in veg cycle It started last week when I went to flower cycle, and switched to HPS here is what i have...
  12. B

    MY 1ST POST, tell me about my weed

    so its been 20 years since i have grown weed, all this great info was not around then, it was all stealth. well i decided to start up again, especially now that im legal. so please chime in and tell me what you think i have about 30 healthy clones all about 8" high i have lemon/diesel...