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  1. fishindog

    What the hell is this? Veteran grower needs help.

    Hemp russet mites are the hardest I my indoor medical warehouse i had to spray every 3 days with something different to stop the reproduction period. Gotta get a good scope you can see them with 40x but 100x is better, and hit them every three days with a different spray, took at...
  2. fishindog

    Overfeeding: toxic salt accumulation or ph causing lockout?

    My biggest advice is test the runoff as often as you can, I test mine every watering before hand so I can feed properly, or flush properly
  3. fishindog

    ROOTS ORGANIC COCO Lets see what you've grown in it!

    the first 3 pics have 4 weeks to go.
  4. fishindog

    Overfeeding: toxic salt accumulation or ph causing lockout?

    Ummm I don't know if there was really one big thing. I started growing in dirt, then moved to dwc, then moved to aeroponics, now with the garden Im running Im using all coco in a drain to waste system.....I really liked my aeroponics and I will be going back to that, not completely but I miss it...
  5. fishindog

    ROOTS ORGANIC COCO Lets see what you've grown in it!

    Hi everyone I am just putting this thread out there to see what kind of results other ppl are getting using the Roots Organic Soil-less Coco. I run 3 gallon fabric pots, w/ GH line and a few other additives....its a drain to waste system w/ little to no run off. Stems are monsters and I'm...
  6. fishindog

    Overfeeding: toxic salt accumulation or ph causing lockout?

    I run coco too, drain to waste system with only like 10% run off if that....system is getting nice and dialed in. I do a feed/top off res with plain water/feed/plain water etc. Things are much better with clean water every now and again. Interesting topic im pulling up a seat.
  7. fishindog

    First 1000 watt grow

    sweet grow they look good, for me i have had mites a few times and I use the 3-in-1 fungicide, miticide, insecticide....its like $5-6 a bottle at home depot or lowes. Spray the entire underside of the leaves, try not to spray directly on buds, spray every 2-3 days, one bottle for me usually does...
  8. fishindog

    Re-Vegging After Harvesting Your Baby

    Here is some old pics of plants i re-vegged then re-re-vegged (Pic) link in my sig has both grows rubbermaid grow was first re-veg. It was during the beginning of my growing days and had no other way of getting seeds/clones so I got some from a buddy who just harvested. I didnt have any hermie...
  9. fishindog
  10. fishindog

    HELP!!!! Adjust a-wing Reflector I need Replacement Cables

    Thanks for the reply's ya I have a few things in the garage I could make some out of, was gunna get the originals if I could but looks like its time to tinker
  11. fishindog

    HELP!!!! Adjust a-wing Reflector I need Replacement Cables

    Hi everyone I just have a 600w mh/hps light with an adjust a-wing reflector. I lost the steel adjusting cables for the reflector last time I moved. I haven't been using the cables (since I lost them) but have been growing with it since. I spent a good amount of time online today and couldn't...
  12. fishindog

    My pineapple express 6k watt, co2 sealed room

    looks great man good job!
  13. fishindog

    Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

    Ya trim everything below the screen
  14. fishindog

    Leaves drooping after transplant into DWC bucket

    for the first week its good after putting in the dwc buckets its a good idea to pop the lid off and scoop a cup of water out and water from the top till roots are decent and coming out the bottom.
  15. fishindog

    2200 Watt Hydroponic 4 Table Perpetual 4X8 Tent Grow

    Wow ya those are some great numbers
  16. fishindog

    2013 Outdoor Grow

    subscribed as well....
  17. fishindog

    2200 Watt Hydroponic 4 Table Perpetual 4X8 Tent Grow

    looking awesome cant wait to see what your total is +rep
  18. fishindog

    Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

    excited to see how your dirt grow goes