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  1. K

    Hello from New Mexico

    Hello from New Mexico, just registered today and I am enjoying the data. NM recently legalized medical use and I was one of the first authorized...we all have to grow our own as NM does not yet a distribution, I am on my 3rd harvest and the new information I am receiving is so...
  2. K

    please help me with pH

    I pay .25 per gallon for RO water and I also have a rainwater catch tank. Most of the time that you use tap water ou are getting xamount of chlorine per gallon. Chlorine is a killer! Get yourself some 5 gallon water jugs and fill them at RO dispensers. If you live near a mountain stream or...
  3. K

    Discolouration on Blueberry clone leaves

    I run my ph at 6.5 and use mountain spring water (live at 9,000 ft.) after chems. My temp in grow room stays at a constant 72f. This seems to work well on all strains. Currently growing Russian Purple Hash, AK, and Blueberry and they are all doing quite well. I have had best luck with half...
  4. K

    Discolouration on Blueberry clone leaves

    My best luck with Blueberry has been utilizing rapid rooter with 5ml per gallon mix. The first few times I also had the yellowing and even some yellow freckles fan leaves. When I diluted the rapid rooter to 2.5 the new sprouts cleared up. I also set the spray jets to 5 minutes on and 5 off...