Search results

  1. S

    Can I Take Clones from Clones Several Times?

    IMHO - I would find one mother plant and KEEP her a mother as long as possible in lieu of "cloning clones". Many of the strains on the market these days have a few different phenos, and I think what you are seeing is a degrading of the desirable phenos that you are looking for. Also, look for...
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    How much water on organic soil grow?

    LOL "Happy Frog" - yep that's the one. I knew it was something with "frog" in it (sorry). Unfortunately, I am probably not the best person to ask about organic teas - haven't tried brewing/using any yet. There is a section on that here in RIU though. Right now, I am using Roots Organic...
  3. S

    Think I Shoulda Germinated them first !!!

    Patience, grasshopper! It could take up to a week and a half before you see anything depending on your soil temps. Larger plants are much better equipped to handle cooler temps, but seedlings like warmth. If you've ever noticed when you pop seeds on a wet paper towel - what shows first? Yep...
  4. S

    How much water on organic soil grow?

    As long as you don't water too frequently, the quantity will be fine as long as the water runs out of the drain holes - up to a cup and a half of drain off is great - a little more won't hurt. The PH you are trying to keep at is perfect for a soil grow. As far as the molasses though - you...
  5. S

    New to growing, how are my plants doing?

    You should only have one plant per container - otherwise, they will compete for root space, and the others will die. You also obviously need more light, as the seedlings are leggy, and that is a sure sign of not enough light OR the light source is not close enough to the plants. Yes, the...
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    Newbie Topping Question with a Twist. +rep for help

    Sounds like he wants only one main cola.
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    My 2 Babies Popped Through Soil Today

    Hmmm. Well, with the area (space) that you have to grow in, you are probably doing the right thing having lower intensity lighting. Especially noting the fact that you have heat issues in there as it is. It will help to have better air flow, but you really won't be able to expect much in the...
  8. S

    My 2 Babies Popped Through Soil Today

    I prefer to veg for around two months - HOWEVER, if you are doing other things incorrectly, it won't matter HOW long you veg for - you still won't get decent yield. Tell us your equipment (lighting, fans, etc.), nutes, soil, water schedule, and anything else you can think of from your last...
  9. S

    what is with riu

    This is likely what it all boils down to - punk kids that want everything handed to them on a platter without putting forth ANY effort whatsoever. I don't spend as much time on here as I did when I originally joined, as this site seemingly has been taken over by 15 year old kids. Post a...
  10. S

    4 Weeks Flowering White Rhino = NiCe CoLa'Z - VEG'D FOR 10 WEEKS / LOTS OF PICS .inc

    I'd have to look up the flower time on that strain, but you *should* be about halfway there (IOW another 4 weeks to go). They will really bulk up (the buds) in the last week to 10 days. Don't get discouraged...sounds like you're doing a good job.:bigjoint: If you don't have a decent...
  11. S

    Questions about Pot of Gold

    I have seeds I haven't popped yet, so can't help much - however I have been able to find several good (non-biased) grow reviews by Googling "pot of gold review". From what I understand, Flying Dutchman recommends growing ALL their strains in soil rather than hydro. There is one recent grow...
  12. S

    why its falling like this

    I hate to say it, but this kid's post has "troll" written all over it. No one could be this obtuse, even with a language barrier in play.
  13. S

    Looking for an answer

    I just call it re-vegging. Not the technical term, but hey. Actually, if it were me, I'd just try taking some clones rather than trying to revive the whole plant. I would think it would work out much better for you. Expect some odd growth at first though (leaf formation).
  14. S

    Origin of Illegal Pot!!

    "Harry Anslinger (1892-1975) was the first US drug czar. Anslinger was appointed to the newly created position of Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics on August 12, 1930 and he served in the position until 1962. He had perviously served as Assistant Prohibition Commissioner in the...
  15. S

    Origin of Illegal Pot!!

    Actually, it *did* start out as a VERY racist thing. Folks if you want to read some crap that will make you sick, Google "Harry J. Anslinger". And yes, one of the complaints (for real) was that marijuana "made black men look at white women in the wrong way". Was also supposedly heavily used...
  16. S

    question about rain water

    I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's not like the water just "sits" up on your roof, it runs off quickly. The only thing I would suggest is that if it hasn't rained in awhile, let it rain for about a half hour before putting your collection bucket out. Less crud collected from what landed...
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    best way to improve luck on seeds to being female

    Hehe - go for Dave's blessing. Couldn't hurt:weed:
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    best way to improve luck on seeds to being female

    I totally agree with you. They're either fem or not. I also don't buy into plants turning hermie over stress, as I've intentionally stressed the crap out of a plant, and still no hermie. It's all in the genetics, folks. Now *fem'd* seeds are a whole different story...I'd say those are much...
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    Pink pistels?

    Pic is pretty low quality, but it *looks* like they're OK. Are the temps fairly low at times? Low temps will cause plants to show interesting colors.
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    my 4 royal kush plants..need a lil help

    OK - first off your pics are too far away and too fuzzy to tell if you have spider mites or not. If you DO have them, you will see tiny (pin-prick size) white or yellow spots on the tops of your leaves. If you see spots, then get a jeweler's loupe and look at the bottom sides of the leaves...