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  1. C

    Growing close to the ocean

    so, how much is that neem oil?? Is it worth it?? otherwise pests aren't that big of a deal. And my purple kush or white rhino has sprouted =D update pics in 3 days also, when should i start giving the nutrients. High nitrogen right?? 3-4th week after sprouting? and explain the flushing process...
  2. C

    Growing Near a Creek Trail, What Do You Think?

    dont leave the pots on top of the soil, if ph is a problem i reccommend buying limestone, digging a hole layering the hole with the lime stone and planting the pots in the soil. It's to blatantly obvious when u see a pot just sitting there. Otherwise, shouldn't be a problem untill flowering...
  3. C

    Growing close to the ocean

    also, please explain how to harden. I know the general concept of it, but not specifics.
  4. C

    Growing close to the ocean

    well atm they get like 7-9 hours of direct sunlight, i'm in southern bc. The rain is pretty hard, so thats what i'm worried bout, during flowering doesn't matter bout rain cause the resin will bead the water so thc will be fine, otherwise after their 3rd set of leaves i'll harden thx for the advice
  5. C

    Growing close to the ocean

    yh mildew isn't that big of a deal i'll just watch it closely, atm my plants r sitting in this mini green house box to protect it from the elements, when do u think i should start letting them be exposed to the elements? and should i leave them exposed just to wind to strengthen their stems on...
  6. C

    Growing close to the ocean

    yh mildew isn't that big of a deal i'll just watch it closely, atm my plants r sitting in this mini green house box to protect it from the elements, when do u think i should start letting them be exposed to the elements? and should i leave them exposed just to wind to strengthen their stems on...
  7. C

    Growing close to the ocean

    These are pics of my plants 4 days after i planted the seeds. 9/10 sprouted but 2 look kind of frail, at this age should i let the lid of my mini green house down so the plants get some wind on them to thicken stems? Also planted 1 other seed of some diff strain i forget which one it's either...
  8. C

    Growing close to the ocean

    what is neem? and i was thinking of just like a tarp so that rain wouldnt fall on it
  9. C

    Growing close to the ocean

    KK, then i'm not that worried, i have some 100% sativa weed =D durban poison or something. It isn't that humid up here, do u think putting plastic over top of it would decrease humidity nad act as a rain guard. Also, is thc water soluble, or will it be destroyed if it is rained on?
  10. C

    Growing close to the ocean

    yh was thinking about that, I don't know if there's any ways around that risk of mildew, it's surrounded by a giant pine forest also.
  11. C

    Growing close to the ocean

    This is my grow journal, I've got a spot down 500-600m off of the ocean, and I was wondering if the salt water air would affect growing conditions. I'm moving them to the spot after they're a foot tall, so stress won't be a big factor but will the salt in the air fuck with the soil. I'll...