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  1. vlokdog

    Help Select Sativa SCROG Seeds

    Tops swazfarm, Yu should get some Nevilles haze in there make out. and also hook up an autopot system make out. safe
  2. vlokdog

    hi nic, its johan, having a good time in my new place! makeout, makeout. just miss the cats...

    hi nic, its johan, having a good time in my new place! makeout, makeout. just miss the cats anyway give me a call if you want to smoke makeout makeout makeout
  3. vlokdog

    Power failure

    Haha Ya iv actually been thinking about getting a generator! but then again the costs are pretty high. Just got to hope the power stays on. Do you know anything about the chances of my girls becoming hermes because of lack of light?
  4. vlokdog

    Power failure

    Hey all, My area has been having quite a few power cuts recently. My girls are week three into flower and over the last week they've been getting about 5 hours of light a day. Should I let the timer just turn the lights on when the power comes back on? At the moment they get about an hour...
  5. vlokdog

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    Hey DaivsCCS, try post some pictures. Maybe these guys can help you sort out the problem like they helped me :) Peace
  6. vlokdog

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    thanks TCK, I've started flushing already so not sure if i should start giving them veg nutes again or just leave it? im harvesting in just over a week anyway. Peace
  7. vlokdog

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    I dont have a sealed reflector but i do have a reli big extraction fan. Do you think i should rather just put the 150 in?
  8. vlokdog

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    Hey BeachBum, Ya i read the same thing on there website this morning. So do you think i should flush for a full two weeks because it isn't organic? im using an autopot system. about your cab, Im moving my setup into a small cupboard, 20x35x57, with a 600 watt hps. First off do you think, with...
  9. vlokdog

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    problem is that the bottles dont come with the labels on. Apparently they forgot to send them the guy said at the grow shop. I dont have a credit card so i cant do that either! But i've been looking around here for awhile so hopefully something will turn up. Sorry i didnt mean the tricrome's...
  10. vlokdog

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    Another thing, would GHE be considered chemical feed? I kno most ppl dont like it but unfortunetly its all i can get.
  11. vlokdog

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    Thanks, It's 5 o'clock somwhere and BeachBum420 for the advice. its reli helped! I didnt kno you should harvest sativa's so early to give that high you described, thats probably why my last batch turned out to be such a couch locking experience! Some of the lower buds are turning amber but very...
  12. vlokdog

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    Just a last question, do any of you guys know how long you flush for with an autopot system? Peace
  13. vlokdog

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    Here you can see the lower leaves
  14. vlokdog

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    So the lower leaves are still all dying but the buds seem to be doing well. just cut off an early nug. looking good i think. Im nearly ready to flush and I was wondering if i should add magnessium to my water during flush? sorry if its a stupid question. Peace
  15. vlokdog

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    Arjan's haze # 1 which is a sativa. I actually thought the same thing about the buds but they seem to be going well with good crystal production. Id take some photo's but they're sleeping :)
  16. vlokdog

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    The fan leaves on the lower braches have started yellowing after the white spots. Even with the added magnesium they still seem to be dying?
  17. vlokdog

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    So i pulled off all the dying leaves, thanks It's 5 o'clock somewhere, and i've added my epson salts so hopefully everything is sorted. Just a quick question, willl this effect my yield? And any idea's about the white spots on the fan leaves? (last pic's i posted) Peace
  18. vlokdog

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    On some of the other fan leaves higher up there are white dots, which is what happened to the main fan leaves before they started turning yellow. Not sure what it is. Thanks guys for all the advice. Im still pretty new so it really helps. Peace
  19. vlokdog

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    Ok cool so should i pull off the dying leaves or just leave them on?
  20. vlokdog

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    I thought it was magnesium so i added some epson salts yesterday. My ec is at 1.8 and im using GHE flora nutes. Bud's are fine just the fan leaves are dying. Im using a auto pot systemwith a 25 litre res. Could it be a disease? Peace