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  1. B

    DIY - 5 Litre DWC Pot - Simple!!!!!!!

    Thanks for your comments. Just fired Mk2 up with a "herb" seed, fully ph'ed weak nutrient solution, under 50w CFL. I love the concept of the bubble bucket SOOO much. Blue
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    To cool, or not to cool; that is the question

    So, after receiving my cool tube, smashed in th epost, I pored over what to do about lighting my tiny grow cab. I decided, as the original cool tube didn't actually fit anyway, that I would adapt the parts from the cool tube (the seller let me keep the cool tube, and gave me my dollars back-...
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    DIY - 5 Litre DWC Pot - Simple!!!!!!!

    So this is the last post for this DIY thread. I hope it can help some people, including my friends on mainland Europe, and I would love to get any comments or constructive criticism on this Mk2 DWC bubblepot. Thanks for watching! Blue
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    DIY - 5 Litre DWC Pot - Simple!!!!!!!

    so now we're nearing the final stages...keep watching...:mrgreen:
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    DIY - 5 Litre DWC Pot - Simple!!!!!!!

    Here's the next lot of pics...
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    DIY - 5 Litre DWC Pot - Simple!!!!!!!

    So, I have been designing my DWC system, based on PipeDream's brilliant post in the FAQ section here. Having made Mk1, I decided to make Mk2 last night, and it's even better. Because I couldn't see the pics from PipeDreams setup, I had to use the description he gave, and imagine my own system...
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    To cool, or not to cool; that is the question

    nice one guys, looks like I'm gonna cool. Hopefully got a used bake a round coming from someone in the uk...We shall see..otherwise, I got a glass blower who can make it for me. it might not be much cheaper than buying a cooltube, but it will be perfectly fit to my space...Hoorah! I was...
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    Help needed in the UK!

    PM on it's way!
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    To cool, or not to cool; that is the question

    The dimensions I gave are in centimeter. This is a very small space, with 1 DWC bubbler under scrog.
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    To cool, or not to cool; that is the question

    Hi All! After having received my cool tube in the post yesterday, smashed, I am now wondering whether I need to air cool my little 150w HID at all. The dimensions of the space are 49x43x125, and the space has 2 passive intakes and is venting through a filter and 125mm inline fan. I was...
  11. B

    Help with cool tube needed!

    So my newly bought, second-hand cool tube arrived in the post today, to be the crowning glory in my chili grow room...The glass was completely smashed; I was gutted. I refuse to pay £50+ for a 125mm cool tube, and thus need some suggestions as to alternatives. I would prefer to build my own...
  12. B

    Help needed in the UK!

    Thanks man. Just tryna work out if it would have fit anyway..dont think so. Any ideas?
  13. B

    150w in 45cmx45cmx125cm cabinet - Cooling question

    So in light of my recent post on my cool tube arriving this morning, smashed in the box, I am questioning whether I can do without the aircooled reflector in my small cabinet, and maybe go with a more standard reflector. Set up is: 45x45x125 wooden cabinet, sealed 125mm inline fan with 100mm...
  14. B

    Help needed in the UK!

    So my newly bought, second-hand cool tube arrived in the post today, to be the crowning glory in my chili grow room...The glass was completely smashed; I was gutted. I refuse to pay £50+ for a 125mm cool tube, and thus need some suggestions as to alternatives. I would prefer to build my own...
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    Dwc Grow Club

    One more question...In a 45x45 cm space< i am looking at 1-2 plants with 150w sodium cooltube. Will 2 plants be ok in here, or is 1 scrogged plant going take all the space? Any input greatly received...
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    Dwc Grow Club

    Hi All, I'm fairly new to the forum, having just started to build my first DWC Bubbleponics system. The photo attached is my interpretation of the FAQ DIY setup which was posted by Pipedream. His setup really appealed to me on first reading, and because I couldn't see the pics he had...
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    Dwc Grow Club

    I am just settin gmy first bubbleponics stealth grow up, and this is a fantastic resource...Hellooo from Europe!;-);-)
  18. B

    New growbox designs

    Yeah, that's the sort of thing I'm thinking about, but less cluttered, with a ScroG screen, using 5 litre bubbleponic buckets for each plant (x3) - No soil, except for the bonsai mother. Anybody had experience with ADF mylar? Is it really necessary with a 150/250w cabinet grow with adequate...
  19. B

    New growbox designs

    So I already know I 'm going to use individual DWC bubblers for each plant (2) in order to have a staggered harvest, and that I want to use a cooltube, but the questions is, 150w or 250w???? Bearing in mind the box is 60x60x130, and I live in a flat, I thought the 150w would be cooler, and...