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  1. Drugfr33

    Whats the best fertilizer Canada can get ahold of ?? DNF, botanicare or what!?

    i have seen plant prod I was actually going to pick it up but couldn't get a ride to town, turned out for the better though I went to a hydroponic store and picked greenplanet massive its made in B.C . I also got bud candy, oh man I don't know which nute is doing it But my plants smelt like...
  2. Drugfr33

    Greenplanet massive, bud candy... What else ?

    Okay thanks ! What about overdrive ? I've heard nothing but good news from that stuff .
  3. Drugfr33

    Greenplanet massive, bud candy... What else ?

    Hey everyone I am growing in soil , my plant is about 3 weeks flowering . As the title says I'm using bud candy and greenplanets massive bloom, The guy at the hydoponic store recommended it to me . I am also using molasses and botanicare pure pro blend . Is there anything else I can add to give...
  4. Drugfr33

    Whats the best fertilizer Canada can get ahold of ?? DNF, botanicare or what!?

    Hey everyone. I am very curious on what fertilizer to buy for my plant that is in 2-3 week flowering some products that are here are DNF, grotek, botanicare . Id like to know how they worked for you, I am limited to hydroponic stores in Canada. If you know any canadian sold products I'd love to...
  5. Drugfr33

    A & B mixed with booster

    Thanks for the reply ! And haha yea I'm using molasses for the first time , I hope it works wonders !! Good luck on your grow !
  6. Drugfr33

    A & B mixed with booster

    I forgot to mention molasses too. ( 1tbs/gal )
  7. Drugfr33

    A & B mixed with booster

    Hey everyone, I intend to buy DNF bloom A (3-0-3) & B (1-0-3)and DNF flowering booster (0-50-30) I was wondering if I can mix all of these together by there recommended dose . I will be using a 20L bucket . The bloom says 5ml per liter and the booster says 2.5g for 22L I figured I'd go 3/4...
  8. Drugfr33

    Branches growing faster then main stock good or bad ?

    hey everyone. i have a 5 inch and about a foot tall plant, both branches on both plants are growing quite faster (two) instead of the main stem in the middle which is much shorter, is this an early sign of male or something ? any idea's would be great.
  9. Drugfr33

    Air condition ? Nice and cold

    Makes sense... Thanks for commenting. I'll take them off they were only on for 20-30 minutes think any damage was done ?
  10. Drugfr33

    Cold air underneath plants ?

    Hey everyone, I was curious and thought I'd ask the rollitup community . I have a couple plants over my Cold air vent, They are in pots with drainage holes in the bottom ( obviously ) I figured some oxygen would shoot through the pot refreshing my babies ( 2-3 weeks old ) I also read that lower...
  11. Drugfr33

    Air condition ? Nice and cold

    Hey everyone, I was curious and thought I'd ask the rollitup community . I have a couple plants over my Cold air vent, They are in pots with drainage holes in the bottom ( obviously ) I figured some oxygen would shoot through the pot refreshing my babies ( 2-3 weeks old ) I also read that lower...
  12. Drugfr33

    How tall should a plant be to move outside full-time

    That's awesome ! Thanks for posting guys ! I needed it
  13. Drugfr33

    How tall should a plant be to move outside full-time

    Alright that sounds good. Thanks a lot buddy. I'll be smoking a bong for you :p !
  14. Drugfr33

    How tall should a plant be to move outside full-time

    I can't wait 2 months probably 2 weeks at the most . They have to leave my house haha don't ask why. But good to hear man, so do you think my sprouts will be okay 24/7 outside if I just keep teasing them with the sun ?
  15. Drugfr33

    How tall should a plant be to move outside full-time

    Oh I see . So I should keep putting the sprouts outside and then inside ? I usually put them out at 8am and then put them inside around 6
  16. Drugfr33

    How tall should a plant be to move outside full-time

    Yea I know . I just don't know how to apparch plants from seeds I always just had clones that were a foot tall and I'd just put them outside . So know about flowering harvesting and all that stuff . Thanks for the info !
  17. Drugfr33

    How tall should a plant be to move outside full-time

    Yea summer here pretty much just started
  18. Drugfr33

    How tall should a plant be to move outside full-time

    Fuck Eh, well I guess I'm looking at an ounce or so then
  19. Drugfr33

    How tall should a plant be to move outside full-time

    I've been putting them out in the day then under light at night , would that count as getting use to the sun ? Before I leave them out. They are only sprouts 1 and half maybe 2 inches tall 4 leafs . And what about yield ?