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  1. G

    My hard work

    amen dude jorge cervantes pretty much is the shit, most of the stuff I read up here, every question i have seen up here, can be answered in that book
  2. G

    Organic Montana Medical Grow

    looks awesome man, can't wait to see the rest, subscribed
  3. G

    Organic Montana Medical Grow

    looks awesome man, can't wait to see the rest, subscribed
  4. G

    My New Grow Room Built By Hubby!

    props, great clean and neat lookin room, keep it that way, best of luck
  5. G

    Is anyone feeling physicic if this is a Male OR FEMALE

    well there is no true way to tell, but i know for me personally my males have tended to be the taller plants with more spaced nodes and the females have been the shorter stockier plants, but this can be different with different strains
  6. G

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    hey man, your electrical set up is impressive, can you give me the specs for just the breaker