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  1. M

    Started my 1st grow. Need some advice please.

    The reason the stem grew out so long is because you either didn't have enough light, or the light wasn't close enough to the plant. You also need a fan blowing on the plants at all times to help grow a thicker stem. And Miracle Grow isn't the best soil to use, but plants will still grow fine...
  2. M

    female or male

    Sounds like it's just growth. Not necessarily a pre-flower. A picture would help us determine exactly what it is.
  3. M

    Late flower hermie

    People usually don't bother replying unless you provide pictures so we know exactly what you're talking about.
  4. M

    Hash/how to?+++rep

    Is hash made from the kief of the female bud or can it be made from the leaves of the plant also?
  5. M

    female or male

    Do you have any pictures?
  6. M

    Male? Or too early to tell?

    Oh, okay. This is my first grow so I just wanted to make sure. I have 2 other plants so hopefully they haven't already been fertilized by that male.
  7. M

    droopy leaves

    Over-watered maybe? How often do you water them?
  8. M

    Male? Or too early to tell?

    Here is one of my plants. I'm pretty sure it's a male but I want to get other opinions before I throw it out. Let me know what you guys think. Sorry the pictures aren't the best. They are the best I could get with this camera though.
  9. M

    Light cooked plants??

    I added a 300 watt standard light bulb (outputting 6120 lumens) to my plants. Within 3 hours, the plants were completely fried. The light was about a foot away from the plants and had fans blowing on everything. What caused this and what should I do differently next time?
  10. M

    Clarify something in these pictures please.

    Thanks for a direct answer. A lot of people beat around the bush and answer the question in a way that new growers can't understand.
  11. M

    Does it smell

    You shouldn't have a problem with smell probably until it starts flowering. Unless you're vegging rather large plants.
  12. M

    Clarify something in these pictures please.

    I've looked at each of my 3 plants very well and didn't see any male balls on any of the plants. I'm thinking it might be too early to tell though?
  13. M

    Clarify something in these pictures please.

    Okay, just wondering because I'm 4 days into the Flowering cycle and so far there is no signs of sex. I check them multiple times throughout the day, because I'm afraid of getting a male to fuck up my any females. To treduece: I think my plants were growing these stipules while they were still...
  14. M

    Clarify something in these pictures please.

    Ok, thanks for the info. I wasn't sure if they were pre-flowers or not. While we're on the subject though, how long into the flowering cycle does it take (on average) so begin showing signs of sex? I know some people say their plants show sex by the end of their veg cycle, but I'm trying to...
  15. M

    Clarify something in these pictures please.

    I'm a first time grower so this might sound a bit foolish to some of you, but there are these little bitty green hair-like things growing around the nodes. Please look at the pictures below. What are these??? Note: Both of these pictures are 2 seperate plants.
  16. M

    Bud Spots?

    I'm new to marijuana growing and have a couple quick questions. I'm getting ready to flower one of my plants. What kind of fertilizer should I use in this process? Where exactly are the bud spots on the plant? Do the flowers come from above the nodes on the main stem? Thanks in advance for...
  17. M

    Tall plants but not real bushy!! Help

    Okay, sweet. That helps a lot. And to reply to 303 ... my plants are way less bushy than that.
  18. M

    Tall plants but not real bushy!! Help

    Ya, this was bag seed so I'm not sure what strain they are or anything. Can you be more specific on cutting off the tops though. It sounds easy enough, I just don't want to screw up. You just cut the top set of leaves off?
  19. M

    Tall plants but not real bushy!! Help

    Ok, so I am a first time grower. I have 3 plants that are about 3 weeks old. Plant 1 - 4.5 inches tall. It only has 4 nodes. Plant 2 - 4 inches tall. It has 3 nodes, but produces really big leaves. It's about 8 inches wide with a pretty thick stem. Plant 3 - 4.5 inches tall. It's just now...