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  1. R

    Help on my first grow?

    idk which are female or male yet but i kno they will all be stunted but do u guys think maybe i can get atleast 1 ounce off all the females? i kno u guys want like 7 ounces off each one but wat do u think?
  2. R

    Help on my first grow?

    Can someone tell me what is going to happen to my plants. I know they are too close to each other ill show you a picture. But i do not want to move them. so i was wondering are they all going to die or is this gonna be like the survival of the fittest? give me all opinions thanks
  3. R

    Welcome New Members!

    i was wondering if some of my plants will live and grow buds or will they all die.. cuz they are all so close to each other and i dont have room to move them.. here is a pic
  4. R

    I know my plants are to close...what is going to happen?

    I dont want to replant them anywhere else i have no more room. is this gonna be like the survival of the fittest is gonna live or what.. i got a picture tell me wat u think.. are they all gonna die or what??