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  1. TheFarmer94

    Coco Growers Unite!

    hi everyone great thread, im going to start my 3rd marijuana grow and its been going well so far. i am wanting to experiment with coco and use it for my upcoming grow and am only intrested in just coco, no fertilizer or nutrients, completly organic is it possible
  2. TheFarmer94

    what happens if i mess up the lightcycle by a couple of hours

    yeah but im using no nutirents all organic. and im using 2 200 watt flourescent bulbs
  3. TheFarmer94

    what happens if i mess up the lightcycle by a couple of hours

    i vegged for like 2 and a half months its indica strain. and im growing cheese
  4. TheFarmer94

    what happens if i mess up the lightcycle by a couple of hours

    see i do everything by hand. i turn the light on by hand everyday but today i accidently over slept so the plants had an extra 3 hours of darkness. there currently in flower time. what happens to them they dont stunt do they!
  5. TheFarmer94

    anyone train their plants to grow horizontally?

    i would like to know what are the benefits of this, i might try it on my next grow. cheers
  6. TheFarmer94

    update on my current first grow(flowering phase)

    naaa m8 i aint using any ferts or special soil. im doing all natural. i suggest researching people who use that product and see there results. thx for the reply
  7. TheFarmer94

    update on my current first grow(flowering phase)

    this is a 3rd update on my first grow, and my ladies are currently in flowering for about 3 weeks now. tell me if there looking good. im proud of them considering there my first grow. using a 200 watt envirolite lightbulb: 200 watt warm white(flowering stage lightbulb). any feedback is useful...
  8. TheFarmer94

    The UK Growers Thread!

    down south boyz more of a grower than a smoker
  9. TheFarmer94

    Scrog pics 6 weeks flower update!

    well i must say gorgoues plants there. im a first time gorwer im currently growing 3 cheese plants check my pics lol and im wandering what is scrog in future im looking to do loads of little plants with which add up to 3 plants just smaller if that makes sense and how i would go about doing that.
  10. TheFarmer94

    how are they doing

    yeah not good idea with youre face lol you get caught they will use this as evidence you silly sausage. yeah i agree with my stick but none the less well done good so far nothing major
  11. TheFarmer94

    Six weeks flowering and Im happy(pics)

    very nice indeed im on my first grow still on veg mode all natural no special soil or ferts / nuets just ll natural stuff. just out of intrest how long should i flower for i have 3 cheese plants
  12. TheFarmer94

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    just out of intrest am i more likely to get caught growing during the night or day time. dont worry i have no lightning showing just curious of the helicopters
  13. TheFarmer94

    HOW TO Top your plants and then use the top as a clone(With pics!!)

    are you cutting the crown of the plant
  14. TheFarmer94

    update on how my first grow is doing

    yes youre indeed very wright they are quite tough just for an example when i was taking leaves of one of needed quite a hard tug lol.
  15. TheFarmer94

    Hermie Harvest Question

    it would really help if you could so some pictures and we might be able to help
  16. TheFarmer94

    update on how my first grow is doing

    thx guys for the feedbak i have recently cut the crown, and got rid of some excess leaves at the bottom. i then put them in a pile then throught them into smoothie makers grinded them up and made a weed smoothie
  17. TheFarmer94

    update on how my first grow is doing

    since my last thread about the yellow dots and freaking out that there all going to die. it turns out it was just a little heatburn and not marujianna judgement day. heres some updated pics on how there doing. as you can see im not using and neauts of special stuff all natural just pot, soi,l...
  18. TheFarmer94

    Are my plants healthy?(im worried this is my first grow)

    heres the updated pics 1 is going to definetly die the back two are fine. just out of intrest are the back two sativa and the front two indica all 4 of them care cheese plants
  19. TheFarmer94

    Are my plants healthy?(im worried this is my first grow)

    i water once a day because it takes quite alont time for the water to drain out of soil, im scared to over water it so i just wait till it drains