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  1. keepitreal


    Another grow-chick here. Haven't posted much, but RIU is where I come for answers ... and laughs. I'm vegging Blueberry and Cali Orange in DWC under 1000w HPS right now and they're looking good. Thanks to everyone, guys AND gals for help in raising me up from a plant-killing newbie to a...
  2. keepitreal

    Digital ballast problem

    Update ... my hydro store replaced my ballast no questions asked. New one working fine!
  3. keepitreal

    Digital ballast problem

    Well, that didn't work either. I guess I'll call the store I bought it from and ask about troubleshooting. Thanks for trying.
  4. keepitreal

    Digital ballast problem

    Hi all. I'm a newbie having trouble with my digital ballast. It's a Digital Greenhouse 400W MH/HPS that I bought in June for my first grow. It had been running fine and I was loving it. But tonight, I unplugged it to mist the plants and, when I went to plug it back in, the MH bulb flashed and...