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  1. D

    water res size and pump size

    thanks for the help:)
  2. D

    water res size and pump size

    well i'd like to keep the plants to their about 4ft fully grown. i really dont know how often i will have the pump on, i will be using hydroton as media not sure how often that needs watering. what other info can i give lol a newb i know. just trying to figure stuff out.
  3. D

    water res size and pump size

    how big a res do i need and water pump for a setup if im going to have like 20 5 gallon pots. is there a general formula for this, between how many gallons your pots are and how big your res should be.
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    how much is too much

    how much electricity usage do u think would set off alarms with energy company or the law? like if i had a bill for close to $300 a month, is that going a bit far u think?
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    can u re-use soil?

    i have read that u cant re-use soil because it cant become full of toxins and void of nutes. bringing all that soil in every grow cycle is a big problem as i dont have a garage and its a security concern. i will move on to hydro but for now soil is simpler and i cant afford to have a failed...
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    Q for medical growers in canada

    I thinking about trying to get my card to posses and grow. So i have a Q. lets guess say that they allow me to grow about 10 plants for my needs. Will they resrict how much wattage per plant or set limits to what my yeild can be?
  7. D

    going to be a condo a good idea?

    im going to be getting my own place and a condo would be great price wise. but then you have people living right on the other side of the wall which causes a little nervousness about growing. also im wondering if condo each have their own electrical panel or not. if not thats a big problem.
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    organic vs non organic

    whats the difference in the high when the same strain is grown organiclly vs non orgraniclly? is the high more clear with organic or produce less of the negative effects such as racing heart, anxiety, paranoia etc? i do know hydro and dwc will plants will grow bigger faster but whats the diff..
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    Short And Potent Stain That Yields Decent

    thanks for the great advise guys. +rep. i had been considering northern lights as well as white widow. since you guys have already grown it, which seed comp did you guys get yours from?
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    Short And Potent Stain That Yields Decent

    been looking around so difficlut to choose strain so many out there. so just wondering if i could get info from you guys. so i need something potent, obviously and it has to be short or be able to be kept short from using a screen. i guess if i wanted i could just flower and taller starin early...
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    understanding ppm

    just trying to understand this. nutes hav ethier own amount of nitrogen and stuff in them. the we have ppm. so how do you know what type of nutes to get and then the amount to get then the ppm to use of them? is it just a trail and error to fin dthe best combo?
  12. D

    electrical safety Q's

    ya i am, but i would think the chances of getting busted on such a small grow would be minimal. i mean i just need to grow for myself really. but ya i dont think the owner would get charged. you guys kind of bugging me out, now im having second thoughts
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    electrical safety Q's

    im 22 but i mean its not anything big right just a cabinet grow. i thought about that too and thought it would be pretty hard to get busted with a small grow if i did everything right. im 22 btw.
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    electrical safety Q's

    hmmm i c, so i have to go to the electrical panel and shut off all the circits expect one, and then go to my room and try plugging in a device in all those outlets to see which circits there are on. gonna be a bit challanging, someone is always home, there gonna be like what the fuck you up too...
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    electrical safety Q's

    so this will be my first grow and i need to know about electrical safety. im worried about fires no doubt. i will be useing about 800 watts total including lights fans everything. im in canada my house uses 120volt outlets. i have three power outlets in my room where my grow cabient will be. how...
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    Computer/axial Fans & Laptop Power Supply

    i have been thinking about using comp fans in my storage chest which i plan to use for veg plants. can anyone explain how this is done? so just from reading this thread i find that i'd have to splice the fan wires but whats this adapter you talk of?
  17. D

    Sensi Seeds

    one question for you. is it worth th emoney? these are some of the most expensive seeds i've seen, not all of them but the better ones they offer. or at least i believe there better because there expensive and kind of infamous. whats ur take
  18. D

    need quiet exhaust fan for 4x2x8 closet(have roomates)

    so i need an exhuast fan thats about 150 to 200 cfm but it has to be quiet. i have roomates and i dont want them hereing what im doing. looking at fans online i cant tell how loud they are going to be. anyone know of any that might meet my requirments?
  19. D

    advise on closet setup and design

    ya man, great explaination altho i didnt know all the terms i get what u saying. i tend to keep my plants short so i'd go the fluro route and try getting some lighting with an external ballast that can be placed outside the closet. thanx how do u add rep? i dont see any button anywhere
  20. D

    advise on closet setup and design

    fuck there that goes, you think just a fan and a small exhaust would be good enuff take care of heat for 400w?