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    Understanding how your plants Effect Ph and EC, PPM

    Hey spl1,i have a gallon bucket. The current ppm is only 10. Should i increase it?
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    Holefillers 64w CFL Micro-grow - 0.65g per watt!

    42 grams for 64 watts cfl sounds almost impossible but i believe lol
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    SOCAL grows and the sick pictures to show it off!!

    LMAO flowers are hilarious!
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    MY little Growbox and First time Grow.

    I like your new grow cabinet. It's much better than the first one.
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    First DWC grow

    Thats normal. the first set of leaves usually dry up and die after a couple of weeks.
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    5 fem diesel ryder seeds, 0% germ?

    I got mine from attitude seed bank.i watered the pellets and planted the seeds in. after 3 days 1 came up. its been 7 days, other 5 have yet of come up.
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    Help with diesel ryder

    BTW how long did it take your plant to pop out of the dirt?
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    Help with diesel ryder

    Yup, thats caused by over watering. Plant that size you should water every 3-4 days.
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    Diesel Ryder Almost ready! *pics*

    Shes beauty! Hopefully mine turns out half as sexy as yours LOL
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    Aerogarden and Diesel Ryder Seeds! (pics soon)

    Im growing six diesel ryder seeds in grow cabinet with a dwc system. It's been a week and only 1 plant popped up but it seems to be very healthy. I'm worried about the other five. any suggestions? Hopefully they didnt die off. Thanks
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    5 fem diesel ryder seeds, 0% germ?

    hey i planted 6 diesel ryder seeds only 1 came up. Its been a week. im running of out patients lol
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    My Diesel Ryder seeds wont come up!

    Okay this is what i did, i popped 6 seeds into 6 different jiffy pellet. One of them sprouted and came up after 3 days but the other 5 did not. Now it has been 7 days and other seeds are still down there somewhere. So I dug them up to check on them. They cracked and i can see little white...
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    Very slow growth

    LMAO lights are too far away