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  1. H

    What do u guys think of botanicare? having problems with this medium

    So im using botanicare soilless organic aeration formula what do u guys think? i potted 10 seedlings in red dixie cups with it, and am starting to have problems.... curious as to what u guys think of starting mj in...
  2. H

    How many DAYS does it take for signs of over/underwatering to occur????

    they definitely look like they are rolling inward. . . what the fuck? It's been like a whole week already; factoring in recovery time from now, does it sound normal to water seedlings once every 9-10 days? On a side note, I have red dixie cups, and I poked 4 holes nearly the size of a pencil...
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    How many DAYS does it take for signs of over/underwatering to occur????

    As the title implies, I'm simply interested in understanding how long it takes for the symptoms to occur. Most people aren't sure whether their plant is showing signs of over or underwatering, how long does it take after watering for these signs to show? My plants are getting droopy and kind...
  4. H

    No light for first few days, will seedlings be alright? They ARE YELLOW NOT GREEN!!!

    And yo, for those of you who have this same problem in the future and find this thread through a google search, I will update with if they recover or not and how they fare.
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    No light for first few days, will seedlings be alright? They ARE YELLOW NOT GREEN!!!

    So guys, I straight fucked up. My last batch of seeds were all bunk (stored them improperly in their original ziplock bags for over a year and they went bad) and the ones that did happen to sprout took FOREVER. Those were all stunted and shitty so i tossed em, and got some more seeds, very...
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    Newbie set up, does this work?

    You didnt grow those monsters in your profile pic with that setup did you? Im just trying to get the max for my setup, hence the HPS. What kind of yield do you think I could expect with cfls instead? I was shooting for at least a quarter pound every three months or so, sticking to heavy...
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    Newbie set up, does this work?

    You mean get a 6" inline to vent the light and use the 4" as exhaust for the tent?
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    Newbie set up, does this work?
  9. H

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links $140 for a air cooled digital 250w. So much cheaper than the other ones I've found, u guys think the quality will be trash?
  10. H

    250W DR60 Grow

    Any helpful suggestions and tips you would give to a new dr60 grower? Im growing 2-4 OG Kush fems in mine, still not sure what 250w HPS to buy. . . cooled tube definitely right? I currently only have a 30cfm fan since Im vegging under a 90w LED. Sorry to impose on your thread, just figured you'd...
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    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    So, What do you guys thnk is the best value (highest quality versus price) on a 250w w/ cooled tube? I'm trying to find a solid reliable light for my 2x2 tent
  12. H

    Planning on my first successful grow!! Feedback much appreciated!

    Thanks for the response, yea I'm going off of freebies from attitude, and only shootin for 4 plants as it says in my first post. That's why so much variety, next grow is all OG Kush already got the beans :)
  13. H

    Planning on my first successful grow!! Feedback much appreciated!

    So, 10 days in and I have yet to get seedlings!!! These girls are taking forever! I germinated an additional 1x Sensi Star 1x Warlock 1x Cloud 9 1x Chronic This time I went with the paper towel method (should've done it from the start!). So far the Chronic and the Sensi Star have germinated...
  14. H

    Retarded Question about Germination

    yea I've had 100% germination in the past. I know that sounds like bullshit, I've always used the paper towel method, and have germed 7 seeds first grow, 12 second grow, and 60 third grow. Not to say any of them survived (fucking pigs and bugs) but curiously enough every last one germinated...
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    Retarded Question about Germination

    So this is my fourth grow attempt, and the FIRST without using the paper towel method. I didnt want to fuck up the taproot and retard my plants so I popped them straight into medium (botanicare soil-less mix). They've been there for about 5 days now and not a single one has popped out!! I...
  16. H

    90w LED vs. 250w HID

    Ooo thanks that's a bad ass grow log
  17. H

    90w LED vs. 250w HID

    I don't have the gear for comparison!! I wish... My boy left me 2 UFOs and 2 Blackstars, about 90w each, storing them in my closet so he doesn't get in trouble by his parents having them around the house. Borrowing one for the moment in my 2x2 (he uses all 4 in his 4x4 when growing) Was...
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    90w LED vs. 250w HID

    So guys, What do you think is better a 90w/86w UFO or Blackstar (apparently equivalent to a 400w HID although we all know that's not true) Or A 250w HID?
  19. H

    Fans Thread!...?

    Nice! Are do pc fans for the most part run silent and without much vibrations? Duplex :( grannies upstairs
  20. H

    Fans Thread!...?

    Oooo I see. I bet those bad boys are cheap too huh. So- Two 10 or so cfm pc fans, one for intake and one for exhaust? And a separate circulation fan within the tent?