Hello friends i am just about to start my new grow and have a couple questions.. I am in a very hot area of the world like the title says 100 degree air.. so my question is how necessary is fresh air, i personally believe you should always have it but when its this hot. it would be counter...
Is it possible to use http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/public/jGjWV-FiQechAV2n2NR3w5H7AMwilEmApF4a4a75BWxSXyFiq3Up0P3knYFGq_V4lkUObZbC0o-sYO9XV38gYKX0iRlXCZies3rtk7WAFLd-L4V0RDTJoKPVjXCl93hJWa3NMFWWFc7NKzEguJCXmT7vb7mM7xZ6XZ88yZPqiWauT2jsLYi3j50
With Coco Coir and if so please help me...
Hello i am in Nevada (reno area) and looking to set up my garage but before i emabark on this journey i NEED the average temp for summer is 100 degrees so i need help designing a grow room for my garage where my grow wont be destroyed by the heat.. i looked into water chilled lights but if...
Hello RIU has anyone tried this ROOTS ORGANIC feeding program
If you take a look at it and see that you add oregon xl and this stuff called UPRISING GROW AND UPRISING BLOOM does anyone have any idea what this is because i am getting myself...
To answer your question no. but i personally recommend to flush with water and start over because you may over correct and cause another deficiency... but just my 2 cents.. good luck