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  1. Belome

    I know what THC is, but..

    Been looking around for post's, found a few about THC and what it really is but is there a way to increase it? I know this question is probably asked everyday :neutral:
  2. Belome

    Toping off

    Whats a average # of weeks that some might top a plant? Im thinking 6 weeks?
  3. Belome

    Florida Growers Thread

    Damn its nice out today!.. yesterday was shit :(
  4. Belome

    Florida Growers Thread

    Past few days in south florida its been raining non stop, super humid, and dark. How bad is this? Im new to the art and on day 20 of outdoor growing. Gunna transplant as soon as this rain passes. Whatcha think?? :confused:
  5. Belome

    Florida rain question

    never saw this thread thanks!
  6. Belome

    Florida rain question

    Past few days in south florida its been raining non stop, super humid, and dark. How bad is this? Im new to the art and on day 20 of outdoor growing. Gunna transplant as soon as this rain passes. Whatcha think?? :confused:
  7. Belome

    Florida Rain/ How's My Plant Look?

    So these past few days in south florida have been pretty rainy and dark. Plants seem to be doing pretty good but seem to be geting beat up alittle from the hard rain. 1st time planter -- day 20 pic (today) :confused: