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  1. A

    The yield question.

    people always ask how much will i get if this and that? noobies like myself would like to know, but since its such a hard question to answer, all we can expect is to get an idea. so if anyone is willing just post your results with some additional info like type of weed, light info, veg time...
  2. A

    How much did you yeild?

    you cant be serious.....
  3. A

    How much did you yeild?

    hi i m growing with 20 1000w bulbs, drawing air from outside, lots of fans, nutes at 1000ppm, 6.1 ph, ac temp at 27 d celcius, vegged for 3 weeks, will harvest at 8 weeks flowering . got around 250 plants of blue haze. the room is about 35 m sq. any guess on yeild???