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  1. Onion Terror

    MY first ever grow - Lowryder #1

    Guys, thanks for the info about PH. I didn't realise that PH was so important and tha it has to be so low. I just presumed 7 was about right. Hopefully, it'll start improving once I've managed to get it lower.
  2. Onion Terror

    MY first ever grow - Lowryder #1

    Yo! Fellow Lowryder grower!! Cheers for the comments. I'm now back on normal nute tabs (for the last week). I've just checked the PH - 7.4 I know that's high. I don't really know how high though. I think I need to get it down to about 6.5?? I've got some stuff to push down the PH for my aquarium...
  3. Onion Terror

    MY first ever grow - Lowryder #1

    Even though my plants are still very small I think it's possible to just about make out the sex of some of them: Here's some close-up pictures. Are those pollen sacs on Chives? As for mint, I really can't tell. I suspect male?? Finally, isn't it ironic that the crapiest of the bunch...
  4. Onion Terror

    MY first ever grow - Lowryder #1

    I'm starting to see more green appearing on the plants (bout time too!!) The healthiest of the 3 seems to be "Tiny Tyme" - I'd given up on her the other week. Here's pics.
  5. Onion Terror

    MY first ever grow - Lowryder #1

    Next problem! - My AG pump is now making a sort of grinding noise (it used to be almost silent) Is this normal? Is there a simple fix to this??
  6. Onion Terror

    MY first ever grow - Lowryder #1

    I look forward to reading your new journal. Good luck!
  7. Onion Terror

    MY first ever grow - Lowryder #1

    Hi Leova, Just had a quick look at your grow journal - Very sad. Yours looked like it was going so well. You must be really gutted that they all died :cry:. At least you know where it went wrong. Have you started a new grow yet? Thanks for the advice. Actually, great minds think alike! - I...
  8. Onion Terror

    MY first ever grow - Lowryder #1

    It's now a couple of weeks later. It's still not looking good! In fact, it's now gone from worse to worsererer. In order to see if lights are the problem, I put a seed in a pot and left that on the AG. Also it makes me feel better that the lighting isn't going to waste. She is doing really well...
  9. Onion Terror

    MY first ever grow - Lowryder #1

    Oh dear!!! Things seem to be going from bad to worse! Young Miss Mint is starting to get little brown spots on her! Ms Chives isn't looking so good either. Should I empty out the reservoir? and put plain water in?? Or maybe it's the heat? We've just had the hottest day of the year here in UK and...
  10. Onion Terror

    MY first ever grow - Lowryder #1

    Ok, it's now a week later. I won't be giving up my day job as I now realise I'll never make it as a professional Aerogardener!:? Anyway, I've put an 'air-curtain' in the reservour. I figured it would give me more length than an air-stone but is also very flexible. I connected up a CFL. I'm...
  11. Onion Terror

    MY first ever grow - Lowryder #1

    Thanks for the info. Just ordered some RHIZOTONIC.
  12. Onion Terror

    MY first ever grow - Lowryder #1

    Thanks for the info. I've just ordered some RHIZOTONIC. I'll give it a go. Cheers!
  13. Onion Terror

    MY first ever grow - Lowryder #1

    Here's my first question: AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0states - "Seedlings (week 0-2) - NO NUTE TABS!!" Why is this? What does the plant live on for the first 2 weeks? Does adding Nute tabs during in this period harm the plant? or is it just a waste of tabs?
  14. Onion Terror

    MY first ever grow - Lowryder #1

    Cheers! At the moment, I've got it set to "Salad Greens" which is 16.5 hrs on. I've purchased some figure 8 connectors so I'll be wiring up the lights on a separate timer with a CFL at the weekend.
  15. Onion Terror

    MY first ever grow - Lowryder #1

    MY first ever grow - Lowryder #1 Hi guys! This is my first ever grow so don't be surprised if it all goes tonto. The seeds are Lowryder#1. I'll probably have loads of questions as I go. I only just planted a few days ago so not much to report apart from one young lady, "Chives", is starting...