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  1. RockstarEnergy

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Hey everyone! I was wondering if any of you could tell me what is wrong with my plant. This is my 4th time growing with Canna coco and Nutrients and this has never happened before. The only thing that is different with this grow is that I started using Boost. I this it looks like a P or K...
  2. RockstarEnergy

    24" to grow from top of soil, 8" tall 8wks in

    Sorry this is a super late reply. When you super crop you essentially lay the plant on its side. If you do this along with FIMing the main stem it tells the plant to divert it's energy from upward growth to the main stem and focus growth to the side shoots. Eventually several colas form at a...
  3. RockstarEnergy

    blulab ph pen

    Sorry to jack the tread but I would hate to clutter up the forum with another thread on the same subject. This may be a stupid question but I just got mine and would like to take proper care of it. They are very adamant about not putting it in distilled water. I mix my nutrients in distilled...
  4. RockstarEnergy

    24" to grow from top of soil, 8" tall 8wks in

    If you are concerned with space, have you considered supercropping? It will be a little difficult since you under filled your buckets so much but it is worth a shot. I have had great success with it. You could switch to 12/12 now if you wanted. The plant will at least double, if not triple, in...
  5. RockstarEnergy

    Ph perfect nutrients with other nutrients

    I think part of your problem is that you don't know how sentences work. I gave up a quarter of the way through because you have a bunch of sentence fragments connected by ellipses (...). No one can help you if we can't understand you. It sounds like you just need to do more research on nutrients...
  6. RockstarEnergy

    Top 10 auto flower strains

    My Nirvana Auto Northern lights was the best plant I have grown so far. Grown in Canna Coco with Canna nutes under CFLs.
  7. RockstarEnergy

    what's your electric bill/ how many watts do you use/do you worry about it?

    I never understood the idea of the power company potentially calling the cops for a spike in usage. Their business is selling electricity so I cant see why they would be anything other than stoked if you start using MORE electricity because that means they get MORE money. Seems like bad business...
  8. RockstarEnergy

    max yeild..

    If my first comment offended you in some way, I apologize. Normally I wouldn't bother responding to your petty and half-assed attempt to belittle me when I clearly made no mention of the conditions said 100 plants would be grown under, nor made any claim to doing it myself. However, I would like...
  9. RockstarEnergy

    help again please

    plants tend to droop in the dark. See if she perks up when the lights come back on. The soil still looks very wet so I would wait to water again.
  10. RockstarEnergy

    help again please

    gotcha. Is the second picture taken a few hours after lights out? or did you just turn the lights off for the picture?
  11. RockstarEnergy

    help again please

    how exactly do you have over 700 posts and that much reputation but you are posting in the newbie section wondering why your plant is droopy?
  12. RockstarEnergy

    Harvest time? (with pictures)

    False dude. Genetics determine the type of high not maturity of trichomes. Maturity(among other factors) of the trichomes determines the potency and duration of the high. Contrary to popular belief, a sativa dominant strain will not produce a "couchlock" high if you harvest it past maturity, nor...
  13. RockstarEnergy

    One veg plant out of bunch stopped growing

    Yeaaaaaaaaaah but most issues start at the lower leaves and work their way up the plant.
  14. RockstarEnergy

    One veg plant out of bunch stopped growing

    I don't know what you're idea of "healthy" is but they all look pretty deficient to me. A couple different deficiencies at that. What is your pH?
  15. RockstarEnergy

    What strain is this

    LOL at thinking you can tell what strain it is by a picture. Maybe if he said I have three strains and mixed them up with a list of options. Pretty impossible to guess anything other than Sativa or Indica based on absolutely nothing.
  16. RockstarEnergy

    grow soil comparison test

    If you are saying you will never use Miracle Grow Organic soil again then that's fine. If you are saying that you will never use ANY type of organics soil based on a one-time Miracle Grow experiment then that is completely ridiculous. Anyone on here could have told you WITHOUT doing the test...
  17. RockstarEnergy

    Can you carry nutes and supps in checkin luggage on a plane?

    Thats what I am saying. The op makes it sound like the guy is trying to bring the nutes to him in his carry on, which would be an issue. I am saying that I don't think the rules for liquids applies when it is in checked baggage under the plane.
  18. RockstarEnergy

    Can you carry nutes and supps in checkin luggage on a plane?

    is he trying to bring it on his carry on? I could be wrong but I don't think it matters if its in brand new sealed bottles in a suitcase under the plane.
  19. RockstarEnergy

    Can you carry nutes and supps in checkin luggage on a plane?

    cal/mag is generally calcium nitrate and magnesium nitrate. Thats what it says on Botanicare Cal-Mag+