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  1. emerl56

    Manicuring gloves are freezed, how to collect the resin now?

    here, take your gloves and tie the open end closed, but both gloves in a GOOD QUALITY plastic bag and rub your hands together, with the gloves in bettween. the resin MAY come off and getting resin off of plastic is crap loads easier than latex. I should now, I'm the one wearing the latex catsuit....
  2. emerl56

    Good start, where do I go from here??

    Sorry gent, I dont try to tell others what to do, I just do my own thing. Thats what learning is all about. I may take suggestions, but I dont control anyone. Cheers, Gimpy!!
  3. emerl56

    Good start, where do I go from here??

    It's alright you all do your own thing I'll do mine. I appreciate my freedom and choice of what I want to try. Cheers, Gimpy!!
  4. emerl56

    Good start, where do I go from here??

    I'm my own person, not just some mindless go with the flow fool..
  5. emerl56

    Good start, where do I go from here??

    So moving on from this charade of mimicry, I changed my 9watt cfl to my 13 the other day. Wasen't aware that the 9watt was in it all this time, so I switched. Avg. harvest for one plant (of any genetics) is roughly 20 to 50 grams. This litlle experiment of mine was to see if a really slow...
  6. emerl56

    Good start, where do I go from here??

    Look, I'm tired of being berated and people being negative. What I am using and how I am growing is my own choice, if you aren't gonna be helpful or appreciative and are gonna be negative then feck off. (I know somewhere on this web site there are good decent people, I've talked to them) I am...
  7. emerl56

    Good start, where do I go from here??

    Working on that currently, I started with way to few lumen s in the first place which I know. I should have started with at least K2000 but more like K8000 would be best, I did start this grow outside in dirt until is was 5 inches tall then transferred it. My growing method is a DWC using GH...
  8. emerl56

    Good start, where do I go from here??

    Sorry gent but I have read my ass off for a few years, I asked questions before I started a long time ago its in the forums some where about June or July Sorry my bad on that, one second...Granted I have lost a few leaves since I started.. Ok but what is gonna be a top? the two branching from...
  9. emerl56

    Good start, where do I go from here??

    Alright I started with a bag seed and have been in the Veg stage since early July. I am now rolling into flowering using a 14/10 light and will back it off to 12/12 in about 3 weeks. What are the suggestions from here I have topped it only once above the 7th true node. Will I want to top this...
  10. emerl56

    Growing outdoors is a pain in the ass.

    you get a way to harvest your laddies yet?
  11. emerl56

    harvesting 12" plants covered in dirt from rain

    Just floating this, what about letting them dry and then brushing them with a paint brush. Your gonna brush a lot the chrystals off but is there some way of catching it and separating it from the dirt?? Or drying it with a hair dryer SLOWLY but you still loose some of the crystals. I know almost...
  12. emerl56

    Magnesium question.

    Thanks gent, Of all the information I have ever this was a first for me, thank you!! I never knew about the soap portion, this may be why I have been having issues as you stated, I will try this asap. I will change over my bottle tonite and give it a go, will try to let you know in a week or so...
  13. emerl56

    Magnesium question.

    Why soap??? And I have been folliar feeding it since my 3rd week of growing. I spray it every morning with bottled water. Clean and pure. 24 Views and no other advice??
  14. emerl56

    Magnesium question.

    I have a plant that is about 90 days old and I have the curling leaf tip syndrome. The tips are curling up and are brown. Now I'm pretty sure it is a magnesium def. so I started feeding it Mag. sulfate in the form of Epsom salts. I started with a small amount, 1/3 a teaspoon per gallon and now...
  15. emerl56

    Marinol to Explain Workplace Drug Test

    I have been told, it depends on how much marinol you are taking. Best to get a scrip for Tramdol though, it is a sinthetic version of Ultram and IT DOES show up as THC I use to take it all the time and every piss test I ever took I failed. Now some doc's say no, and others say yes. But I can...
  16. emerl56

    Ways To Get Higher and Stay High Longer.

    I remember the first time I got high, i use to sneak hits off my gf's glass piece after work every night. Then one night she caught me taking a small hit, and I had never hit it more than once at a time. That night she MADE me smoke 4 bowls with her non stop. I sware I was still high 2 days...
  17. emerl56

    Growing outdoors is a pain in the ass.

    Just a few suggestions, about the hill into the creek. When no one is around take a shovel and see if you can make shift your self some stairs. Dig into the earth and cut out about 5 inches or so and maybe use a piece of 1by6. And if you can get some garden stakes. Now the creek, this is the...
  18. emerl56

    Genetic selection and the truth of it all.

    UPDATE: Well after some considerable time of waiting, and ripping about 1/3 of my roots out by accident, AND transplanting, I have a nice female coming along. She is maybe 65+ days old and is only 8 inches tall. I am pretty sure I stunted the crap out of her when I tore her roots. But I...
  19. emerl56

    Lowryder 2 grow HELP

    I have been considering low ryder as my next grow for some time. It tends to grow short and plump as most know. Sometimes it just takes a few weeks and then one morning you will peak at it, and it is exploding. I've heard that AK's and SD's can do the same thing. Must just be the genes and the...
  20. emerl56

    can you grow good bud from not so good beaners?

    Cure for a mnth??? I was under the impression that if you dried it right, curing should only be done for a few days to a week TOPS. That's all that should be needed right??