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  1. L

    help me very new at this

    Can't I just move the male to a different location in my yard? or kill it to be safest.
  2. L

    help me very new at this

    5 and 6 are the same plant 16 is a differnt one.. i am going to keep them bth for now just incase lol. i will seperate them. thank you
  3. L

    help me very new at this

    hello. i am not new to smoke just new to growing. i have 2 plants in my back yard they are both approximatly 14 weeks and starting to do something. Not to sure if ihey are males or female. I have tried to copare to pictures I have seen but still cant quite figure it out. I will show u 2 pics...
  4. L

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey all. First time attempting this. I have germinated my seeds and I am ready to move them to a cup or planter to start.... I "kind of know what im doing" but I don't. I would love any advice, opinions, feedback. I am only trying this with 3 or 4 plants. This will also be indoors. I dont have...