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  1. B

    is this a hermie?

    thanks for the reply. that makes me feel a lot better. i was begining to think my plant was doomed.
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    is this a hermie?

    after a more thorough inspection i dont see any more seeds or any pollen sacks. where the hell did that seed come from? did i miss something? or is my plant in the beginning stages of hermaphroditism?
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    is this a hermie?

    I found a semi developed seed on a bud from a plant that is 5 weeks into flower. not sure where the pollen came from cuz i dont have any males. is it possible to get a seed without pollen. i looked for pollen sacks and didnt find any. Do i have a hermie? and if so, should I let it finish...
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    Poor Mans Grow Room

    yeah i posted the pictures on the grow journals. i didnt realize i was on the wrong thread. ill post a few pics on here for shits and giggles anyway. Yes im growing hydroponicly in hydroton using the lucas formula.
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    helpful info on co2

    I learned a thing or two. Good point rick, i never thought about it before, but our ecosystem does have a way of balancing things out. just one more reason for me not to believe in global warming.
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    White Skunk, closet grow

    Hello Everyone. This is my first grow. I have one White Skunk and another bagseed(satvia). im 19 days into flowering. buds look kinda small imo. maybe im just being impatient. i got two clones from each plant. im gonna flower one of each soon and keep the other two as mothers. I hope to have a...
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    Poor Mans Grow Room

    Ok, this is my first grow. After watching the mr green videos on youtube I thought I would take a stab at growing my own buds. Not as easy as Mr. green makes it look on his videos if I may say so. Anyways, here is what i have so far. - 400 watt hps Lumitek (home depot bulb) - wing reflector I...