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  1. S

    The Attitude Seed-bank Co.

    apparently,also, most Americans are stupid. You missed the point. Try reading slowly and maybe you will get it. I am an American. I feel I have the right to state the truth about what I see and hear about dealing with cannabis in my country. Thank you, just got a hug and a joint. And I still...
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    Greenhouse color?

    Oh shit I think I'm colorblind. I just planted a mix of Greenhouse seeds and they all looked grey!
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    dr chronic blows

    You are lucky you got your seeds from Dr. Chronic. About a year ago, I ordered some seeds and they never arrived. When I tried to email them for help, all I got was the "congratulations for hitting my in box" message which was - well - ANNOYING!
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    Barney's Farm Seeds-LSD Feminised

    Have may out there noticed that "feminized seeds" are harder to clone? Just one of the many benifits of em.
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    Who's BLUEBERRY should I grow?

    I can't help but wonder if the people who complain about plants "going hermie" are starting from "feminized seeds"? If so, where's the mystery? I have grown pure Thai plants that did not flower for over one year and then of course, they started to flower here and there at different times...
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    The Attitude Seed-bank Co.

    I have lived in several parts of the world and I must say that Americans are the most wimpy when it comes to standing up for their God given rights. Also the most impatient. You would think if people have thier hands on some decent ganja they would mello the hell out but apparently not.
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    Attitude Seed Bank

    I recently planted 30 seeds from a reputable breeder, 3 different strains. They came from Attitude in the breeders packs. They were placed in soil and all 30 popped up but then they were placed at the correct depth and treated with care. Great service from Attitude. It is rare these days...
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    Lyons Compassionate Care (CO) now open!

    I am constantly amazed to hear people who think we live in a free country! I have lived in several other countries and I can tell you that we are by no means even close to living in a "free country". It also amazes me that Americans go along accepting even the name of thier country. There is...
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    Why God?... Why?

    It is amazing how people blame all the shit that happens on God! I too have noticed that a lot of the best people die young and have lost some very good friends. In this situation and others like it of course it is sad for the family and friends but for the ones who have "passed away" I know...
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    my plants at 28 days of 12/12. guess my yield? lol

    Can't see the pic's due to a very slow connection speed but I would guess a little over one half oz. per plant if all goes well. If you get an ounce per plant you are doing very well! Good luck and enjoy!
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    740 watt LED grow DWC

    I hope that you have different "God Bud" seeds than what I got because they are crap! Have you or anyone you know ever grown god bud seeds from BC bud and got a decent result? I am interested in just what one UFO led light would produce in a 9 square foot area?
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    T-5 First Grow Attempt

    I like T5's for vegging also and the electric bill is less but do not believe the bs about no heat! One 4 foot 8 light fixure puts out almost as much as a 400 HID!
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    Cloning during FLOWERING,can it be done

    It is always amazing what "they" say!
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    When Will Texas Fall in With Cali ?

    I would think that Texas would be dead last to legalize for MM, if ever? Sorry!
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    Will this heat sig tip off the cops? Please help!

    Order a Discount Hydro catalog, (Riverside, California), and look at the pic's taken by the 6K camera they have for sale. Any police department can afford one. Get some of the IR block and make sure every possible angle is covered. A little pricy but what the hell?
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    Germination problems with Dr. Chronic seeds

    I could not get Dr. Chronic seeds to germinate because they never sent me my order! A friend ordered from Dr. Chronic and got seeds which fell apart and into dust in his hands!
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    Unknown Pest, Suspect Rats? outdoor guerilla grow south coast UK

    I wonder if you ever figured out what was chewing on your plants? I am having a similar problem and I think it is voles. Mice. They seem to like to nibble off a fan leaf stem and then move on to another. They took off the tops of two plants!
  18. S

    flowering problems 2000 watt hps...nute burn???

    Hope things are getting better! I cannot tell for sure from your pictures but you may have ultraviolet light burn, lights to close to plants? Sounds also like you are using too much nutes and additives which would make a second problems? You might try moving the lights a little further away...
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    F**K Dr. Chronic!

    I also had a bad experience with Dr. Chronic. They got my money but I did not get seeds or email replies other than the "auto" reply's! It is interesting to me they are still advertizing in many magazines! Maybe at one time they were ok but I would beware now!
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    Migraine and medical marijuana

    I've had Migraine problems all my life and have never wanted to smoke when I already had an attack! I think possibly if you use a RELAXING STRAIN, in between or before a full blown attack, it would help. I am in the process of growing several of the most sedative Indica stains for Migraine and...