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  1. IcedoutKu$h

    harvested some hay

    so i grew until the plants until they were practically dead and hung and dried for 4 days. now a week into curing and the shit still smells like hay. it smelled good on the plant ofcourse but it doesnt even smell good enough to smoke. some pieces smell good up close but idk what to do with the...
  2. IcedoutKu$h

    2 Random questions

    Can you bud a plant again after it has been harvested if you did not take clones? I saw you could prune it carefully and it will recover. Also, can you use bat guano with hydroponics? Thanks for the help :blsmoke:
  3. IcedoutKu$h

    3 weeks flowering need opinions and encouragement

    oh gotcha... its prly only been 2 weeks lol idk... but it feels like 3 :P
  4. IcedoutKu$h

    3 weeks flowering need opinions and encouragement

    LOL and no thats not toenail polish, got a little ph test kit with some ph down :P
  5. IcedoutKu$h

    3 weeks flowering need opinions and encouragement

    Thanks guys.... What is Tenfold permagrow? and I am actually using a 150W HPS, I have used it the full grow that is probably where the lengthyness is coming from : /
  6. IcedoutKu$h

    3 weeks flowering need opinions and encouragement

    Second grow, first was unsuccessful cus i had to move. Its not easy growin in an apt closet with only a 150w hps and fan with limited space... but anyway this is DWC Hydroponic, these are mid bagseed 3/4 turned out female and are 3 weeks budding. I pulled the plants out of the box today and took...
  7. IcedoutKu$h

    Sativa with limited space help!

    What is supercropping? explain please
  8. IcedoutKu$h

    Sativa with limited space help!

    No i have not, i dont want to top it if i dont have to. its already been budding for a few weeks. So what do I do just tied it off to the side away from the light?
  9. IcedoutKu$h

    Sativa with limited space help!

    I have a 150w cooled cabinet in the closet with about 5x4x5 dimensions... the 3 females are 3 weeks in almost and are budding well, just my plants are SATIVA which are getting very tall and one is growing pretty dam close to the light and I have no more room to lift the light. I dont know what...
  10. IcedoutKu$h

    Does a Red CFL or two help for budding?

    I have a 150w HPS going 12/12. I was just wondering if it would make a difference at all to add a red cfl to hang by the plants? Just a curious question. Thanks all...
  11. IcedoutKu$h

    Sexing by Smell

    as far as its looking for me i have 4 plants and one of them deffinately has balls and is really bushy the other three are wayy taller and not as bushy and do not have balls or any signs of sex yet wich is makin me think they are going to be female. Because it is likely male show signs of sex...
  12. IcedoutKu$h

    When do I Bud...

    ok awesome guys. thanks for the support. This is a dumb question, but my first big grow... do I take clones and start that way over again or do i clip buds off of current female plants and repeat flowering stage??
  13. IcedoutKu$h

    When do I Bud...

    Pics are below, they are about 8" tall and bushy. I'm like a few weeks in on the vegatative and my box is proly like 5 feet tall so i dont know when to start budding. I have a hydro bubbeponics setup with 150w HPS and 4" high cfm duct with a carbon filter. Please check out the pics and give me...
  14. IcedoutKu$h

    Forget MH im going back to Flourescent

    That is a very good idea and I will see what i can get out of it. However I wuld like to say for the record, my box is my entertainment center... completely stealth you would never know it. Also I have a personal balcony with a small window near the floor. It is perfectly hidden. We are having...
  15. IcedoutKu$h

    Forget MH im going back to Flourescent

    kk thats alota help thnx all
  16. IcedoutKu$h

    Forget MH im going back to Flourescent

    I have an apt and built an indoor grow box to put my 250w MH inside with a duct running out of a window. My light is 4 foot off the plants. . . Within an hour my plants are getting overheated at 110 degrees. not to mention how dam hot the apt is getting and the expensive eletric bill...
  17. IcedoutKu$h

    New sprouts die in 2 days!

    This topic got thrown off subject lol i didnt have problems germinating... I have problems when it is 2 inches tall it shrivels up and dies.... could it be the soil is bad? anyway... where do you buy the rockwool? hydro store? and if i am going to grow hydro then what is the best way to to do...
  18. IcedoutKu$h

    New sprouts die in 2 days!

    well I usually transfer from soil to hyrdoponics... I have perlite for my medium so I grow it in soil then plant it in the perlite hyrdo setup when it gets big enough. I just hate soil period though ><
  19. IcedoutKu$h

    New sprouts die in 2 days!

    in small starter pots.... however could this be possible that the little gray bugs are eating them. i just noticed some recently. what is a good pest control to use for this? thnx!
  20. IcedoutKu$h

    New sprouts die in 2 days!

    I am using miracle grow soil. I need to get some rockwool.... where do i get it? I have touched the stems but not the roots.