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  1. F

    Late flowering growth at 10 weeks into flower

    My peeps know the strain and they don't seem to care about the look. They prefer it over others. Me too for that matter. They do look nutty though. lol. There was a reference to a strain also called Mr. Grinspoon. It looked almost exactly the same. Super cerebral high that keeps on going...
  2. F

    Late flowering growth at 10 weeks into flower

    Thanks for the feedback. I'm going straight water tomorrow and will have the ladies on a nice flush for a couple weeks. They're turning more purple every day.
  3. F

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I bred some Hawaiian Snow with some Purps. Trying to get the Snow to grow faster. lol. Not working. It's super good smoking though. Here's some picked too early.
  4. F

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Great thread!! Good way to kill a few hours. I have about 11 weeks on these now. They just keep growing. Could use some expertise here. Is it a genetic defect?
  5. F

    Late flowering growth at 10 weeks into flower

    Here's some ready to cure. This was a splice of Purps and Hawaiian Snow. I thought maybe the Indy and Sativa mix was too much.
  6. F

    Late flowering growth at 10 weeks into flower

    I have some of these crazy buds too. lol. They are a cross mix that I spiced and thought that that was why, but i'm not sure. They are about in the 10th week also. I think it's pure genetics. They smoke really well, but look a little funky.
  7. F

    Stringy buds and no smell!!!!

    Here's some going on the the 3rd month.
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    Stringy buds and no smell!!!!

    That description of the high is right on. The look is the same too. With this splice, I was going for the fast grow of the Purps and the supercool high of the Hawaiian Snow. Genetics is a powerful thing.
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    Stringy buds and no smell!!!!

    I know, they look really freaky. They smoke really well. Everyone loves the smokin', but what hell is up with the extraplanetary look? hahaha
  10. F

    Stringy buds and no smell!!!!

    New poster here. Longtime grower. I have some stringy buds that are new to me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. It's a crossed strain of Hawaiian Snow and Purps. I'm wondering if it's because of the cross strain between an indica and sativa. All hydro. Been flowering for 2 mos now.