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  1. ees

    Bahia Black Head (KC.Brains)

    Does anyone know anything about this strain Bahia Black Head (KC.Brains)? I got it as a freebie
  2. ees

    Bahia Black Head (KC.Brains)

    Does anyone know about this strain ?Bahia Black Head (KC.Brains) I got them as a freebie are they worth the time and effort?
  3. ees

    JAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBB wasssup g!!! wainak jimmy???

    JAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBB wasssup g!!! wainak jimmy???
  4. ees

    Aerogarden strain advice

    what are you trying to say easygrinder?
  5. ees

    Aerogarden strain advice

    Hey guyz as i have been reading through the posts i've noticed that growing dwarfs and lowryders is best for an unmodified aerogarden/grow space. If thats the case could someone recomend me what the best/strongest/most yield strain of ganj i can grow please.
  6. ees


    yes thats you were saying you grow lowryders how good is that strain as i have never tried it?
  7. ees


    Hi Im a newbie and i wanted to purchase an AG but im not sure which model or does it even matter? Does anyone have a clue? Another question which seed would be best to grow with an AG?