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  1. byrdmanjr

    Should I continue to bloom

    what are your temps in that room. you still have a good 7 weeks to go. if you want though's big dense buds you need to get the temps down. if your temp is at 80 when the light is on, you need it to be at 60 when the light is off. the colder the better. also are you useing and suger or big bud...
  2. byrdmanjr

    Grow House

    so have u moved into the house yet??? whats goin on??
  3. byrdmanjr

    plant 1 montth into flower, Just got bugs.

    where did you get the plant? bag seed? or did u order?
  4. byrdmanjr

    plant 1 montth into flower, Just got bugs.

    just stop into your hydro shop and they be able to hook you up. also that plant has longer than 5 more weeks to go.
  5. byrdmanjr

    "White Diesel" Indoor Grow

    They are from clone. i just go them this sunday. They were under a T5 befor i got them so i have them moved to the outside of the light so my 600 HPS doesnt fry them right away. they seem too be takeing good to the light tho. i will take some more pic's tomarrow.
  6. byrdmanjr

    "White Diesel" Indoor Grow

    come on dont be shy......
  7. byrdmanjr

    "White Diesel" Indoor Grow

    I am going to be growing White Diesel. I am goin to be using a Ebb n Flo system. but for the first part of the grow i will just be hand watering. Equipment 600W HPS Ebb n Flo Flora Nova Grow Flora Nova Bloom Big Bud Bud Candy OverDrive Final Phase Snow Storm I plan on Vegging the plants for...
  8. byrdmanjr

    Grow House

    why only 2 1000watt?? you shoudl get more light. if you pland on doin 48 plants and want a good yeild. what do you plan on using to filter the smell. you should deff look into a carbon filter for that. also there are magnets you can buy that go on your electric box and it slows down the amount...
  9. byrdmanjr


    do you have the whole a/c unit in the closet??? how are you venting the heat out of the room???
  10. byrdmanjr

    How long till finished??? ^^

    what kind of light are you using? are you using any Nuets? if so what?
  11. byrdmanjr

    My First Grow "Unknown Sativa" Week 2 Of Bloom

    yes, i did mean the screen of green. i am goin to have 5 nice clones that i planed on trying it with. i am getting jack herrer x3 and Ak-48 x2, from a buddy. i only had one plant this time because my friend gave it to me because something came up and he couldnt have it. so i figured why not...
  12. byrdmanjr

    My First Grow "Unknown Sativa" Week 2 Of Bloom

    have you tired the SCROG technique befor? i really wanna learn how because i am in a limited area.
  13. byrdmanjr

    My First Grow "Unknown Sativa" Week 2 Of Bloom

    Come on dont be shy. please give me some feedback. this is my first grow and i just wanna make sure im goin in the right direction and of course tips would be great.
  14. byrdmanjr

    My First Grow "Unknown Sativa" Week 2 Of Bloom

    :joint:Hey everyone how's it goin? i am new to the site and have learned alot off the site already. but i have a few questions of my own. I have a Unknown plant. i was told by someone who looked at some pics that it was a sativa by the leaves. When i got the plant she wasnt in the best shape...