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    Cloning pls.

    mist them at least 4 times a day. your setup could be different and they would dry out faster. id check them every hour or so just to start to be sure they dont dry out. untill the clones root this is their only source of water is from you misting so if you dont keep them moist 24/7 they will...
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    Hermy plant?!! My clone has bubbles! please help

    for that type of strand is the stem supposed to be turning red? for me i figured thats a sign that the ph of the water is a bit high
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    Blackberry Browns

    here are ten characters required to post
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    Blackberry Browns

    How long has this problem been going on? just noticed it today What STRAIN are you growing? blackberry from nirvana What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?) seed What is the age of your plants? started flowering a week before thanksgiving How long have they been in the soil...
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    My 150w HPS Grow Box~Pics inside~

    if you found that hps setup in the garage i would buy another bulb for it asap just in case yours burns out quickly.
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    wilted and crumbly

    18/6 light cycle ph water of ~6.4. soil is around the same range i did just transplant to new soil so the wilted could be a cause of over watering. i just dont understand the thin new leaves and the lumpiness in them.
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    Lets play the guessing game

    1 dollar bob, oh wait.... :mrgreen: 70grams
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    Cloning in cold weather

    if you can invest in something like a heating mat that can keep the roots/dirt warmer. that should help out significantly
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    pc grow

    +1 for pc's, i use one to house my mothers. best place ever
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    Winter auto-drip sYstm

    saw this relatively big ice sickle so i thought why not. did it for laughs :mrgreen:(but its still in there). im sure the plants will be fine :weed:
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    Discolored spots turn gold, then get crunchy

    going thru your pictures i cross looked at another thread here and came up with this Phosphorus (P) Mobile Element and Macro Element got that from here
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    So Close to Harvest Fest...HELP ME PLEASE

    possibly : Potassium (K) Mobile Element and Macro Element check out this thread and search for that problem here
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    Yellow is me (and my friend)

    two mother plants starting to change color. they both have strong red/purple stems and a serious yellowing going on. -lights are on 24/7 -water from tap (let it set out for a day) phd to ~6.5 -soil is miracle grow violet -temperature stays around 75-80degrees whats this new discolorization...
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    spots on leaf

    still dunno what is going on. my other plant is getting the exact same treatment and looks perfect. looks like dirty growing on the leaves
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    spots on leaf

    flowering cycle 12-12hrs watering ~3-5 days no nutes water ph ~6 mg violet soil plants have been in this setup for a few weeks and have been blowing up wonderfully. but just recently i noticed spots on the leaf. and when i pick up the plant and look through the leafs they all are like this. i...
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    Too cold

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    equipment question

    bought a valueline 4" centrifugal fan and am using a speed controller on it. fan isnt more than ~2weeks old and because the fan is behind the wall i could never hear this new sound. at low rps it sounds like the motor is loose or something. but at higher rpms the sounder either goes away or...
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    2 plants out of 8 dying (unknown problem) HELP NEEDED!!!

    what is the temperature. looks like those things also got a good amount of heat stress on them. they look crispy
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    Day 12 of flower. Normal?

    its just new leaf growth. not to be compared to 'hairs'
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    found one little ball

    unpleasurably yes