Search results

  1. Lazy gardener

    Pea gravel? Lava rock? Clay pellets?

    easy mate i have been growing in seed & cutting compost but have just started home made hydro systems first one is drip feed using pea gravel for roots to grow though and solution constantly flowing though. second is an air pot also using pea gravel for roots to grow though but roots hang in...
  2. Lazy gardener

    smoking ciggs around ur girls good or bad

    smoking produces carbon monoxide which suffocates almost anything so i dont think its a good idea . I try to keep plants in the freshest of air. CARBON MONOXIDE they dont like it!
  3. Lazy gardener

    Welcome New Members!

    easy growers , ive never signed up for any site like this before but have got some good tips on previous crops. I have recently built a hydroponic drip system which seems to be working. has anybody got any ideas for other systems i could try to build as a comparison
  4. Lazy gardener

    need help

    thanks mate wil give a try.:-?
  5. Lazy gardener

    need help

    just singed up coz you lot out there seem to know what your talking about. ive got problems normally grown in seed & cutting compost but changed to drip feed, alls been fine now things started to go tits up. i have green stuff growing in feed tubes and main tank leaves are turning yellow and...