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  1. svengali

    Stems damaged, plants wither.? why?

    Hey Crackerjax Scale? Is that those light brown lumpy looking growths on the stems? And what is scale exactly, a fungus? Any idea where it is likely to have come from? I looked around on line etc. Scale are indeed insect thingies, the problem here is that apparently you can fairly easily...
  2. svengali

    6 week old White Widow 36" How tall will it get?

    There is another option, which I can vouch for, it works really well, but then it might not be what you want. Superbud, is back on the market, and available now. In the uk it around 45 pounds for a 500ml bottle, it's available through some of the e bay hydro shops This stuff claims to, and does...
  3. svengali

    Stems damaged, plants wither.? why?

    Hi there, OK well, I am a newcomer to the art of horticulture, and I am coming to the end of my first grow. Overall it was ok, but I lost a quarter of my plants to some sort of stem/root problem, which I haven't seen much of on forums. My choice was snow white from seed, all successfully...
  4. svengali

    Leaf Spotting, Top Cola, WTF?! HELP!

    Looks like the heat is affecting them right enough, is it only at the top of the plant? Have you been foliar feeding up there, and if so, check the strength, and consider when the optimum time is to use it and ensure the droplets don't sit on the leaves and act as a magnifying glass in bright...
  5. svengali

    Roots narrowed at base? root stunted

    I have a crop right now, my first grow, Snow white hybrid 80-20 S/I feminised (although partner has had a few in the past,) in a hydro system ebb and flow in it's 3rd week of flower cycle, all seemed well, until 2 plants withered and died, then another one went the same way, or at least I...