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  1. G

    Polyploidy questions..

    from what i've read, polyploidy can be induced in an established plant by physical means (i.e. defoliation technique or possibly others, my knowledge is quite limited). It can certainly be induced to polyploidy by by chemical means using colchicine applied to the apical tip which is the main...
  2. G

    cool it

    no need to go crazy, just put a household fan blowing the hot air directly under the bulb towards your exhaust
  3. G

    I need some help from expierienced commercial growers

    if you move plants outside, never move them back inside. there is an extremely high risk of contaminating your indoor crop with foreign pests and microbes.
  4. G

    Have one plant flowering early - can this negatively affect the rest in any way?

    Topping will not force a plant back into vegetative growth, it just stops the vertical growth of the main stem. The only problem with a plant flowering early is that when the buds start forming they may block the light from reaching the other plants' buds that will develop later.
  5. G

    i was wondering

    internal combustion is a loud and highly inefficient means of generating power