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  1. ambitiousgreenthumb


    Guys do you really think I typed Heresey on purpose ? Cmon now. Just a little joke
  2. ambitiousgreenthumb

    Finally remembered my login info.

    Finally remembered my login info.
  3. ambitiousgreenthumb


    He will be vindicated at this point. They have no case against him anymore. Heresy of prosecutions witnesses fell apart.
  4. ambitiousgreenthumb

    What the #^$! is going on here?

    It was from a seed, nota clone.
  5. ambitiousgreenthumb

    What the #^$! is going on here?

    You have proof of this? Because miracle grow is toxic. I don't use it because there's no way to purge it from your plants.
  6. ambitiousgreenthumb

    What the #^$! is going on here?

    No I poked poles because it was taking way too long to dry out. Water level drops just fine. It was mostly sand before. Now it's a compost/sand mixture. So I need better drainage?
  7. ambitiousgreenthumb

    Help Identifying ??? Strain...

    Ohhh snap what is that.
  8. ambitiousgreenthumb

    Help Identifying ??? Strain...

    Yeah and the last 3 plants i gree from seed were statistically i'm about due for a female.
  9. ambitiousgreenthumb

    Help Identifying ??? Strain...

    Yeah and the last 3 plants i grew from seed were statistically i'm about due for a female.
  10. ambitiousgreenthumb

    Help Identifying ??? Strain...

    I'll let you know if your guess is wrong in a couple weeks. But so far, no balls. no signs of balls.
  11. ambitiousgreenthumb

    Help Identifying ??? Strain...

    Its the same plant and are you sure it's male? I don't see any balls on it.
  12. ambitiousgreenthumb

    It's so hot.

    It's so hot.
  13. ambitiousgreenthumb

    Help Identifying ??? Strain...

    I just move it from window to's an updated pcture. Also made another thread about what's going on with it health wise.
  14. ambitiousgreenthumb

    What the #^$! is going on here?

    Hi. She's been growing since late march from seed. Moved her indoor and I've been using a combination of homemade willow water and a nitrogen supplement. But then she started doing this. It is a she...right..because she stinks.
  15. ambitiousgreenthumb

    Help Identifying ??? Strain...

    Thanks so much guys
  16. ambitiousgreenthumb

    Help Identifying ??? Strain...

    Lol. Its probably some kind of kush but it might be something else. I honestly have no idea...
  17. ambitiousgreenthumb

    It has been a while!

    It has been a while!
  18. ambitiousgreenthumb

    Help Identifying ??? Strain...

    Its about 10 weeks old. I have a habit of saving seeds i like without labling them... Can someone weigh in ? It has a very light undertone of sweet skunky smell. Any educated guesses are appreciated!*
  19. ambitiousgreenthumb

    Salvia Divinorum- The most potent naturally-occuring substance

    It's impossible to build up a tolerance to Salvia so idk what you're talking about...