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  1. ndnstoner

    Burned my plants to hell...can they be saved pics

    Well they look like the ight have a chance(a snowballs chance in hell, lol just joking). A bit of advice, when you use fert for the first time, I always start off with a weak solution. Make sure you note how much you mixed. Now I'm talking of indoors with organic soil. Hydro may be different. If...
  2. ndnstoner

    Husband is gone - need help carrying on

    You can clone a flowering plant, but its not suggested. Even if you cloned a flowering plant and put your plants back to an 18-6 schedule they(either the clone or plant) will have to go back to a vegative state, which will stress out your plant. You do not need alot of expensive equipment to...
  3. ndnstoner

    my budding female has developed sacks

    There can be any number of reasons that one plant would stress while its neighbors are just fine. Is it getting too much ventalation(is the fan blowing on it too long or too hard?). Instead of trying to figure out why one is stressed look at it another way, what are you doing that is making the...