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  1. 420worshipper

    Never Seen before.. Take a look

    looks like a dr. grinspoon strain
  2. 420worshipper

    Highest Yielding Auto Flower

    The largest yield that I was able to get was with auto pounder. Almost 3/4 lb was the yield.
  3. 420worshipper

    The Natural Progression Of Things ...

    Since its the Republicans that are trying to make all illegals into legal American citizens, you might be suprised if they were to vote for Republicans. Then Med would scream deport them and do away with the new law to make the illegals citizens. You do have to realize that before the creation...
  4. 420worshipper

    Aging infrastructure may lead to gas tax raise

    Med, I really can't believe that you would want VA healthcare since I think you said that Bush has ruined that as well.
  5. 420worshipper

    Ron Paul is my pick (so far)

    The only thing is, it was a Democrat named Clinton that tapped into the Social Security fund more than any Republican has. The real bad thing is, I not only worked on his campaigns twice, but I also voted for him twice.
  6. 420worshipper

    Ron Paul is my pick (so far)

    Hey my father depended on S.S. to live. He wouldn't take anything from any of his kids. He told me this before he died, "Make sure you don't have to depend on S.S. or Medicare when you get my age." I will probably tell my daughter the same thing one day. And I know that those people won't have...
  7. 420worshipper

    Liberals; Fair and Balanced ...

    Med I bet you would have felt right at home in the Soviet Union. Or living in France during the French Revolution. Because that is definitely the same attitudes that the people in both countries had.
  8. 420worshipper

    Ron Paul is my pick (so far)

    Healthcare for every citizen run by the government since they are doing so well running both Medicare and Medicaid. Government run healthcare would not work because it would end up being just like the Medicare and Medicaid systems now. And if you think that it would be different, consider this...
  9. 420worshipper

    Law or Lawlessness

    But this was your last post...... <QUOTE> The people voted against the Republicans, not for the Democrats. </QUOTE> Funny but the post you just made said they voted Democrat. And reading your last post quoted above. You said they voted against Republicans, "not for the Democrats".
  10. 420worshipper

    Ron Paul is my pick (so far)

    What would the right thing be? For your information making more money than somebody does not make them rich. Also, I have never once claimed that you wanted any money that I have or currently make. With a country that has 370 billionaires and about 53,000 millionaires, I would not say that I...
  11. 420worshipper

    Law or Lawlessness

    In case you didn't know this. In order to vote against Republicans, you have to vote for Democrats. And most that went on the record, were up for re-election in their states.
  12. 420worshipper

    Aging infrastructure may lead to gas tax raise

    Aging roads may lead to tax hike - Bridge Collapse - I could have sworn that all of the gas taxes that we currently pay were to help with roads and bridges. People have been paying these taxes since the '80s for this very thing. And in some states like California, are paying three...
  13. 420worshipper

    Law or Lawlessness

    Yeah and she said that back when the Republicans were the majority and the Democrats were the minority. And people still voted to give the Democrats the majority. Maybe if more people would have read that, she and others that went on record would have lost.
  14. 420worshipper

    Ron Paul is my pick (so far)

    I would have took that 250 acres and put it with the rest of the family farm and would continue to work on it this day. And I have never looked down on anybody before that is willing to work for what they have. Thats one thing my grandfather taught me as a kid before he gave me anything. And if...
  15. 420worshipper

    Britain asks US to free five from Guantanamo

    You do know why Britain asked us to give them over to them don't you. Its for the same reason that the U.S. asks for its citizens back when they either are accused of or commit crimes in other countries. So I think that Britain asking for us to turn over people who claim residence in England is...
  16. 420worshipper

    Law or Lawlessness

    So, with 16 months left until they are out of office, you would want to waste an enormous amount of tax payers dollars starting the impeachment process. How about reading what Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi says about it here on this link... Democrats Won't Try To Impeach President...
  17. 420worshipper

    Ron Paul is my pick (so far)

    Guess you missed the part about growing up on a farm, huh. Until I was 18, I had to work my ass off setting up milkings at 5:00am before I went to school. Then during every summer, along with that I had to work in corn, bean, tomato, and watermelon fields everyday. So, I hate to burst your...
  18. 420worshipper

    Ron Paul is my pick (so far)

    But a lot of professors are ultra liberal. Just as an example, a former Law School Professor that is now a freshman Senator running for President Barack Obama. And dank, I am only conservative on certain issues. 1. The Constitution 2. Crimes like Robbery, Murder, Rape 3. Not giving my tax...
  19. 420worshipper

    Good news is bad news ...

    Because he wrote something that med doesn't agree with. When that happens, he usually has a problem with them in some way or another.
  20. 420worshipper

    Good news is bad news ...

    Funny thing is, the Democrats in Congress was counting on a defeat before 2008 that way they could use it as a reason to get rid of a Republican White House. But then again they used the war as a reason to lie to people to make them the majority in Congress. But what happened to all of those...