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  1. S

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    I have not read all the posts on here so forgive me if I am repeating something someone else has said. There is alot of talk about the intial cost of these LED and recouping your money foy your intial investment and being the owner of a 1000 watt digital HID unit I will have to say you bashers...
  2. S

    i must say, SUCKS

    I was banned from grasscity for calling out this jag named shaggyGT on there. He was always talking out his ass. Then recently I started to question some of his posting and there validity next thing I know I am having my postings erased so I called him out on that too then I got banned. They...
  3. S

    I hate grasscity!

    I to was banned from grass city but not for being threatening or abusive but for calling some guy out that was wrong on a topic of debate. Then he had one of his moderator buddies that he probably preforms fellatio on to delete my messages then when I called him on that I got banned. So I guess...
  4. S

    Can I flower while fighting a Gnat Problem?

    Fighting gnats as well. I got sticky traps the yellow ones and within 2 days I have caught about 40 or 50 of them already. Also I have treated with h2O2 once a week for the last 2 weeks on all my vegging plants, and one treatment on flowering plants That kills them in the soil and delivers a...
  5. S

    What soil, equipment and lightbulbs would anyone recommend?

    I am using a soilless mix. It consists of Peatmoss, perlite, crushed expanded clay balls aka hydroton. Some dolimite to raise the ph because peatmoss is very acidic. The ph of the mix is 6.7. Right now they are under a t5 4x54 watt 6500k grow light. Planning on just using that light for vegging...
  6. S

    watering of seedlings/sprouts

    Couple more pics. 10 mega pixel will only let me load 2 at a time. Oh by the way the 1/4 tsp of floranova bloom is diluted. Just way easier to use that way.:arrow:
  7. S

    watering of seedlings/sprouts

    What's up guys new to this forum working on my first grow in many years. Trying something alittle bit different this go around. I have a sealed room that is 12' x 12'. Out of that 12 x 12 room I have built a 3 ft x 5 ft. cabnet for mothers and clones. It has it's own ducting in and out and a...
  8. S

    Bottom, first set of leaves turning yellow!

    :wall:Pics are 10 mega pixel so it would only let me load 2 at a time I guess. Couple more pics.
  9. S

    Bottom, first set of leaves turning yellow!

    What's up guys new to this forum working on my first grow in many years. Trying something alittle bit different this go around. I have a sealed room that is 12' x 12'. Out of that 12 x 12 room I have built a 3 ft x 5 ft. cabnet for mothers and clones. It has it's own ducting in and out and a...
  10. S

    2nd grow, 4 babies, cfls

    They look great. If you don't mind me asking? What are you feeding them? How much are you feeding them? And how often are you feeding them. Thanks.