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  1. B

    yellowing and brown tips getting out of hand pics help!

    so should i just water with normal water for the next little while? and do you think i should get some new fertilizer, or will miracle grow work when the plant is a little bigger, i will use a smaller amount of miracle grow as well.
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    yellowing and brown tips getting out of hand pics help!

    yeah the miracle grow is like powder that you put in your water, i dont know my ph, how do i figure out what my ph is?
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    yellowing and brown tips getting out of hand pics help!

    2.50mLs per 455mLs of water is that too much?
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    yellowing and brown tips getting out of hand pics help!

    Hey my plant is in the veg stage right now, its been vegging for 3 weeks now and the lower leaves are yellowing pretty bad, and as the new growth comes in the older leaves start yellowing pretty bad. I do use fertilizer every other time i water it, im using all purpose tomato miracle...
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    First grow 3weeks pics

    This is my grow box its 4' tall, 2' thick, 2' wide. There is a pc fan at the top for an exhaust fan and another pc fan near the bottom for intake. Im using 1 45watt CFL, and 1 42watt CFL. the first 2 leaves that popped were both yellow which concerned me, but all the leaves after that were nice...
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    will this ferilizer kill a plant still in veg?

    I'm using Miracle Grow all purpose tomato fertilizer it is 18-18-21, i know this is too high for vegetation but if i use a less then the amount said to use and slowly increase the amount i use throughout the entire plants life? or should i get different kinds for the stages? Right now my plant...
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    Getting yellow, pics, help.

    this is the fertilizer im using would i get nute burn if gave it a normal dose of this, or would it be just right to fix my plant, and i brought my temps down to 85F that's as low as it goes i setup another big fan suckin air out and it droped to that but wont get any cooler. thanks for the...
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    Getting yellow, pics, help.

    the leaves are starting to get more and more yellow as it gets bigger, here are some pics sorry for the bad quality, i covered my heat problem and now the temp stays at 90F which is chill, but the leaves are still getting pretty yellow, im using a very small amount of ferts, nothing that could...
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    Leaves pointing up, lower leaves yellow, help!

    Hey, Im growing this skunk101 plant in a small grow box, the temps usually get out of hand when the lights are on for 24hours, im using a 45watt CFL, and another 27Watt CFL, i have 2 pc fans hooked up 1 at the top blowing air out, and 1 at the bottom suckin air in, even with these contantly...
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    Help, plant leaves pointing up

    Hey, im growing a skunk101 plant in a small grow box, i have 2 pc fans hooked up, 1 for exaust near the top of the box, and 1 for intake near the bottom of the box, but the temps get way to hot even with both fans constantly running up to about 100F when there on for 24hours, i know thats too...
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    have i got enough light?

    I dont know man, im using 400watts of CFL light for my veg then adding 1 more light for flowering. im using 2 45 watt CFLs right now, and adding 1 more 45 watter later for flowering
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    First week CFL grow (question) pics

    yes one is intake and one is outtake, and the outtake is at the top of the room, and the intake is near the bottom. Do you know why the stem is so long and skinny?
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    First week CFL grow (question) pics

    Hey ive been growing this for a week now its a skunk101 and its looking pretty good i just transferred it to a bigger pot today. Right now im using a 40wattCFL, and a 45watt CFL hanging over it and the room get pretty hot up to about 95F with both my fans running will that be alright or will it...
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    First Grow, small space.

    my temperature in the grow room is from about 85F with 1 45watt, but when i have both on for 24hours the temperatures get up to about 90-100F which i know is to much, but with both 45watts on and both my exhaust and intake fans running it stays at exactly 95F, but the thing is my exhaust fan is...
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    First Grow, small space.

    so i just started my plant with soil from my garden, but indoors, its not MG its whatever my mom uses for her plants. i got another 45watt light, and a Y adapter for my bulbs, both my bulbs say they are 200watt replacments(is this true?). Should i start growing with only 1 during veg, and add...
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    First Grow, small space.

    1.honestly i don't know if the seeds are feminized, and i dont care if they dont work my first grow is only a learning process. 2.yes im growing them in a pot with MG soil, i have heard bad things about this what would you say? 3.yea my only light source is a 45wattCFL, will that not work...
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    First Grow, small space.

    Hey, im pretty new to growing marijuana, i grew a plant with my mom which worked out perfect accept she did everything. I have all the basics of growing down, but i have a few questions. So my grow room is quite small it is 2' by 3.5' by 2'(im pretty sure i pronounced that wrong it is...